STAR environment on OS X


This page is obsolete -- please see Mac port of STAR offline software for the current status

In order of decreasing importance:

Database Mirror



Summary of Apple's Xgrid cluster software and the steps we've taken to get it up and running at MIT.



STAR Inner Silicon tracking detector committee report


Speaker : All ( All )

Talk time : 14:20, Duration : 00:10

Run VII purchase follow-up and discussion

Speaker : Jerome Lauret ( BNL )

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:10

tripwire evaluation and configuration

Speaker : Mike DePhillips ( BNL )

Talk time : 14:10, Duration : 00:10

Run VII preparation, meeting #6

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
14:00Run VII purchase follow-up and discussion ( 00:10 ) 0 filesJerome Lauret (BNL)
14:10tripwire evaluation and configuration ( 00:10 ) 0 filesMike DePhillips (BNL)
14:20AOB ( 00:10 ) 0 filesAll (All)

MIP check on 2006 Slope Calibration


Run 3 BTOW Calibration


I plan on "Drupalizing" these pages soon, but for now here are links to Marco's slope calibration and Alex's MIP and Electron calibrations for the 2003 run:

Marco's tower slope calibration

DC IOPerf 20061029 (time after) - jpg

DC IOPerf 20061029 (time after) - jpg

DC IOPerf 20061027 (time before) - jpg

DC IOPerf 20061027 (time before) - jpg

HPSS Error relative proportion, 2006-09

HPSS Error relative proportion, 2006-09

HPSS Error types 2006 09 W36

HPSS Error types 2006 09 W36

HPSS IO efficiency per file size and per

HPSS IO efficiency per file size and per

This graph has been extracted for an optimal 30 MB/s capable drive. Both file size and number of files per cartriges have been evaluated.

HPSS Performance study



HPSS is software that manages petabytes of data on disk and robotic tape libraries. We will discuss in this section our observations as per the efficiency of accessing files in STAR as per a snapshot of the 2006 situation. It is clear that IO opptimizations has several components amongst which:
  • Access pattern optimization (request ordering, ...)
  • Optimization based on tape drive and technology capabilities
  • Miscellaneous technology considerations
    (cards, interface, firmware and driver, RAID, disks, ...)
  • HPSS disk cache optimizations
  • COS and/or PVR optimization
However, several trend have already been the object of past research and we will point to some of those and compare to our situation rather than debating the obvious. Wewill try to keep a focus on measurements in our environment.

Tape drive and technology capabilities

A starting point would be to discuss the capabilities of the technologies involved and their maximum performance and limitations. In STAR, two technologies remain as per 1006/10:
  • the 994B drives
  • the LTO-3 drives

Access pattern optimization (request ordering, ...)

A first simple and immediate consideration is to minimize tape mount and dismount operations, causing latencies and therefore performance drops. Since we use the DataCarousel for most restore operations, let's summarize its features.

Phi meson spin alignment wrt production plane / Global polarization of Lambda hyperons

Spin Alignment of vector mesons (K*, phi) in Au+Au collisions