Run VII preparation, meeting #7

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
14:00Purchase status ( 00:10 ) 0 filesAll
14:10Pending issues, round table ( 00:10 ) 0 filesAll
14:30SSH key management, last call for model change ( 00:10 ) 1 fileJerome Lauret (BNL)

Baseline in like- vs unlike-charged pion CF

Speaker : Zbigniew Chajecki ( OSU )

Talk time : 10:30, Duration : 00:10


This is CSMStatusUtils, which outputs the status of either calorimeter to text and root status files.  Documentation is by Dave Relyea.  The code can be found at



Second most important step in EMC data reduction is to find clusters from EMC data.

Main code performing EMC clustering is located in StRoot/StPreEclMaker and StRoot/StEpcMaker



This page gives a brief overview of the code Frank Simon developed to create SMD Status Tables from MuDSTs.

2006 di-jet Sivers PRL paper

Measurement of Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries for Di-Jet Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) of 200 GeV
Target Journal: PRL


Trash pages for testing

Online Work

Steve's caiibrations page contains most of the details:

pp62 (2006)

I decided not to correct for SpaceCharge and GridLeak in the 62GeV p+p dataset from 2006. This decision was based on the following points. Note that the plots are from some of the early production of P06ie (the conclusions were made from a smaller pre-production sample, but I could make the plots with better statistics from the production).

Signed DCA

Signed DCA profile versus BBC sum (east+west), where the red markers are from using east-TPC-only tracks, blue is west-TPC-only, and black is all tracks combined:

Some observations:

  • The lowest luminosity bin does not fit the pattern of the higher luminosity data (it seems to have only small distortions, which is what we would like to see!).
  • For the rest, there appears to be some luminosity dependence, and it goes it the correct direction for this field (negative slope for positive field).
  • The east and west TPC are offset from each other. My first guess on this was that the You do not have access to view this node wasn't doing it's job so well on the east, and this was causing a shifted sDCA. But other east-west differences show up (see the next section) which hint that the shorted ring may not be the problem.
  • The overall effects are small, with sDCA values generally of a few hundred microns. A plot of the track-by-track sDCA can be found here, and I estimate that overall the sDCA is offset from zero by about 300-400 microns, with an RMS of about 500 microns (due to the luminosity range).


Global track residuals at low (left, BBC sum < 1e5) and high (right, BBC sum > 1.5e5) luminosities versus Z and padrow:

Key points:

  • These distortions are quite small, producing residuals in the range of 100-200 microns.
  • There is a notable east-west difference, and the distortions appear to be almost non-existent in the west. Some east-west differences have been observed in the past, but were atop a much larger distortion, and were considered not worth worrying about.
  • Almost no z-dependence is at odds with our correction model.
  • The high luminosity data appears less distorted than the low luminosity (which agrees with the sDCA plots above). Could it really be that what I am labeling as low luminosity (low BBC sum rate) is actually more distorted? Perhaps some backgrounds existed during the periods of low luminosity data, which went away during the periods of higher luminosity (which tended to be earlier during the 62 GeV running).


First, it is worthwhile to note that our ionization distortion correction machinery is not set up for east/west differences. Using a sagitta error of 400+/-500 microns, here is the estimated error in transverse momentum reconstruction of primary tracks, in delta Pt / Pt^2 (fractional momentum error per GeV/c of momentum):

We can see that we expect something like an error pf 0.33% per GeV/c of Pt. This corresponds to an average error of 3 MeV/c on a Pt = 1 GeV/c track, and about 85 MeV/c on a 5 GeV/c track (with fluctuations of about +/-100 MeV/c from the mean). There are less than 20 million events with TPC information in this pp62 dataset (mostly the "mb" trigger). This will statistically limit any analyis from high-pt studies, precluding the need to have the data calibrated to higher precision than already exists in this uncorrected data.

Gene Van Buren

Gain Stability Check

I've updated my codes to do a more systematic investigation of the stability of the gains.  Instead of trying to get sufficient tower-by-tower statistics for different time periods, I'm looking at MIP peaks for single runs integrated over all towers.  Here's the plot:

Residue Lambda HBT from Sigma and Xi decays (simulation)

Talk time : 10:10, Duration : 00:05

Simulation of HBT effect from the daughter lambdas of sigma's or xi's, as shown in the graphs.

Pion - proton centrality dependence results

Speaker : Marcin Zawisza ( WUT )

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:10

Tracking Review Committee Charge

The charge to the Review Committee for evaluation of the HFT proposal is archived here. The online document can be found under

Tracking Upgrade Review Material


The TUP Review is scheduled for Dec. 7th, 2006, and will consist of material from the HFT, IST and HPD groups. The draft charge for the review will be similar to the HFT review charge, archived here: Tracking Review Committee Charge.

Spokesman tips to speakers

Speaker : Tim Hallman ( BNL )

Talk time : 11:50, Duration : 00:20

VMC C++ Classes



  • StMCHitDescriptor
  • StarMCHits
    • Step
  • StarMCSimplePrimaryGenerator


Example of setting the input file: StBFChain::ProcessLine ((StVMCMaker *) 0xaeab6f0)->SetInputFile("/star/simu/simu/gstardata/evgenRoot/evgen.3.root");



K* spin alignment

Expert Operation

The high voltage control program has two configuration files that need to be created prior to the utilization of the program. Those files are:
  1. default.ini

    This is the basic configuration file. In this file there is information about the high voltage database file, which box and CW-Base need to be turned on, serial line settings and other configuration stuff. This file do not need to be edited by hand. There is a special window in the high voltage program that can be used to modify this file.

Reprogram Individual Crate
