Heavy Flavor

Speaker : Thomas Ullrich ( BNL )

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:30

Welcome, future and goals

Speaker : Tim Hallman ( BNL )

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:30

Afternoon session

13:00Strangeness ( 00:20 ) 1 fileGene Van Buren (BNL)
13:20Spectra ( 00:20 ) 1 fileBedanga Mohanty (LBNL)
13:40HBT ( 00:20 ) 0 filesNot Given (LBNL)
14:00BURs past and present ( 00:20 ) 1 fileBill Christie (BNL)
14:20Trigger Effectiveness ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJames Dunlop (BNL)
14:40Low energy triggers ( 00:20 ) 1 filePaul Sorensen (BNL)

Morning session

09:00DAQ 1000 ( 00:30 ) 1 fileJeffery Landgraf (BNL)
09:30L3 ( 00:30 ) 1 fileJeffery Landgraf (BNL)
10:00Trigger related to Off-line ( 00:30 ) 0 filesNot given (BNL)
10:30Gamma-Gamma HBT ( 00:30 ) 1 fileEvan Finch (Yale)
11:00E-by-E ( 00:30 ) 1 fileAihong Tang (BNL)
11:30E-struct ( 00:30 ) 1 fileLanny Ray (UT/TX)

Afternoon session

13:00EMCs ( 00:45 ) 1 fileWill Jacobs (IUCF)
13:45UPC w/TOF ( 00:15 ) 1 fileBoris Grube (PNU)
14:00UPC w/CTB ( 00:15 ) 1 fileYuri Gorbunov (CU/NE)
14:15Spin ( 00:25 ) 1 fileAkio Ogawa (BNL)
14:40TOF in trigger ( 00:20 ) 0 filesJo Schambach (UT/TX)
15:00Heavy Flavor Tracker ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJim Thomas (LBL)
15:20VPD, Run VII, Run X ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJack Engelage (UC-SSL)
16:00Muon Telescope Detector ( 00:10 ) 1 fileZhangbhu Xu (BNL)
16:10MTD triggers for J/Psi ( 00:20 ) 1 fileFrank Laue (BNL)

Morning session

09:00Welcome, future and goals ( 00:30 ) 1 fileTim Hallman (BNL)
09:30Heavy Flavor ( 00:30 ) 1 fileThomas Ullrich (BNL)
10:00High pT ( 00:30 ) 1 fileMarco van Leeuwen (LBL)
10:30Trigger Hardware - L0 ( 00:20 ) 1 fileJack Engelage (UC-SSL)
10:50Trigger Hardware - L2 ( 00:25 ) 1 fileChris Perkins (UC-SSL)
11:15FMS ( 00:20 ) 1 fileLes Bland (BNL)

STAR Trigger Workshop

from Thursday, 1 January 1970 to Thursday, 1 January 1970
Conference duration: 1 day

Pointing Resolution plots

These plots were made from 100 hijing events using perfect hits in the old three-layer IST and the HFT, but no SSD. Currently, it is not possible to make plots containing both the IST and the HFT as the bfc upgrade tags for the upgrade are upgr01, which contains the HFT and SSD but not the IST, and upgr02, which contains the HFT and IST but not the SSD.

Systematic Error Table

I've included an Excel spreadsheet with currently assigned systematic errors as an attachment.

Background from PID Contamination


The goal of this analysis is to estimate the contribution to A_LL from particles that aren't charged pions but nevertheless make it into my analysis sample.

Asymmetries for near-side and away-side pions

I associated charged pions from JP2 events with the jets that were found in these events. If a jet satisfied a set of cuts (including the geometric cut to exclude non-trigger jets), I calculated a deltaR from this jet for each pion in my sample. Then I split up my sample into near-side and away-side pions and calculate an asymmetry for both samples.

FTPC Calibration Overview

Speaker : Michael Skoby ( Purdue )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:10

PPT presentation

BeamLine Constraint Update

Speaker : G. Van Buren ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:10, Duration : 00:10

Update on 2006 issues on BeamLine constraint issues for 2006.

Coin3D event display project

Speaker : Alexei Zubaniv ( JINR, Dubna, Russia )

Talk time : 17:00, Duration : 00:10

Coin3D event display project: overview, progress and direction

Update on 2006 issues



BeamLine position does move with SpaceCharge(+GridLeak) correction. Here I plot the BeamLine constraint as a function of turning on the SpaceCharge correction 10% at a time:

The cause appears to be the Minuit Vertex Finder exhibiting something like a (x,y) = (0,0) bias which gets worse when the distortion corrections are not proper. To demonstrate this, I plot the beamline position as reconstructed using SpaceCharge,GridLeak,ShortedRing-corrected data (left) and uncorrected data (right). The center point in each plot is the "as-is" reconstructed beamline x and y intercepts. I shift all the hits in the TPC by +/-0,1,2 mm in x and y and re-calibrated the BeamLine for each shift. The blue dots represent those shifts given to the TPC hits, while the arrowheads point at the value that comes from the calibration for the respective shifts. Some bias appears to remain even with the calibrations in place, but the bias is clearly stronger for uncorrected data.

In this case, the uncorrected data is actually using calibrations as they were in June when the BeamLine calibration was originally done: no SpaceCharge, and only a partial Shorted Ring correction.

A few more things can be learned from the data by excluding sections of the TPC. In these plots, I show sector positions as they are in the TPC, divided into 12 supersectors with inner (padrows 1-12) and outer (padrows 14-45) subsectors. Each bin then represents the y-intercept of the beamline when I
EXCLUDE the vertices which have any tracks passing through that part of the TPC. I include in text below the plot the y-intercepts for the minimum and maximum shown in the plots, and for the FULL TPC (not excluding any vertices). I can exclude some sectors simultaneously too. EAST IS ON TOP, WEST IS ON BOTTOM (unless I tied east and west exclusion together, so I only show one plot). The disc in the center of each plot represents the FULL TPC position for comparison.

First, using the corrections as they were in June, one can clearly see the effect caused by uncorrected SpaceCharge:

Uncorrected July corrections August corrections
Full TPC y = -0.060040 +/- 0.009377
Minimum y = -0.179608
Maximum y = 0.056453
Full TPC y = -0.266030 +/- 0.004800
Minimum y = -0.276851
Maximum y = -0.245626
Full TPC y = -0.259742 +/- 0.002232
Minimum y = -0.263649
Maximum y = -0.241834

In FullField data like this, SpaceCharge makes tracks rotate clockwise when viewed along the positive axis. So SpaceCharge-distorted tracks at positive x tend to want a higher vertex position, while ones at negative x want a lower vertex position. Therefore, excluding vertices which use tracks at positive x from uncorrected data will effectively lower the average vertex position, and vice versa for negative x. The uncorrected data is dominated by SpaceCharge, so both halves of the TPC look pretty much the same.

With Shorted Ring and SpaceCharge corrections as they were in July (SpaceCharge calibration had been done without the final Shorted Ring corrections), one can see that we were probably slightly over-correcting for this data, but not by much as the minimum and maximum were both within ~300 microns of using the whole TPC.

With the SpaceCharge+GridLeak re-calibrated using the final Shorted Ring corrections in place, the fully corrected plot now appears as in the August-corrections column above. The max-min diff has gone from 310 microns to 220 microns! And the west tpc (bottom) looks essentially flat: there is no distortion apparent in the beamline from the west TPC! The east still shows some remnant distortion. This could be due to either more SpaceCharge in the east than west, or due to not-quite-complete corrections of the shorted ring in the east TPC. Either explanation is viable.

These graphs also demonstrate that there is unlikely to be much contribution from misalignment of TPC (sub)sectors.

We can remove azimuthally symmetric distortions like our standard SpaceCharge+GridLeak and the Shorted Ring by tying together (excluding at the same time) opposing (in phi) subsectors of the TPC:

Full TPC y = -0.259742 +/- 0.002232
Minimum y = -0.263744
Maximum y = -0.243980

Here I think it is of interest to notice that the major cause for altered beamline in the east TPC is from the
outer subsectors at 3 and 9 o'clock. Shorted ring distortions are primarily an inner sector effect and should not show up in this plot anyhow. This means that it is more likely to be due to additional ionization in the east TPC over the west.

We can also analyze the horizontal determination of the beamline.

Full TPC x = -0.009712 +/- 0.002242
Minimum x = -0.018511
Maximum x = 0.000031

Again, more distortions in the east TPC. Overall max-min diff here is only 185 microns! It's curious that this is not symetric about 6 and 12 o'clock. Tying opposing subsectors shows something else:

Full TPC x = -0.009712 +/- 0.002242
Minimum x = -0.015330
Maximum x = -0.002258

Both the east and west show something at 5 and/or 10 o'clock (and a bit at 4/10) contributing (minutely - were talking on the order of below 100 microns) to the horizontal position of the beam.

dAu photon embedding details

    Request details:
  • Dataset and production: dAu200, P04if
  • Embedded particles and multiplicity: 1000 Photons per event, total 500 kEvents
  • zVertex = +-50
  • Pt: 0.020 - 0.160 GeV

AuAu200 photon embedding details

    Request details:

  • Dataset and production: AuAu200, P05ic
  • Embedded particles and multiplicity: 1000 Photons per event, total 500 kEvents
  • zVertex = +-30
  • Pt: 0.020 - 0.160 GeV

LPP group (Dubna) activities

This page is intended to provide embedding progress for soft-photon study conducted by PPL (Dubna, JINR) group in Russia.
    Requested embedding is based on request ID # 1103209240 and modified to:

Momentum and energy conservation in low multiplicity collisions (GenBod study)

Speaker : Zbigniew Chajecki ( OSU )

Talk time : 10:30, Duration : 00:10


Speaker : All ( All )

Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:10