Vertex Study of Muons and Pions for Forward Detectors

Speaker : Ishu Aggarwal

Talk time : 09:15, Duration : 00:10


Update on sTGC Material Budget Plots

Speaker : Arushi Dhamija

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:05


pp pi0+jet acoplanarity updates




Working group talk: Run QA Procedure


new plots for the WPCF workshop


PWG FCV Meeting 0629




DNP Abstract 2022 fcv meeting update 062922


STAR FWD Software

2022-06-30 09:00
America/New York
Thursday, 30 June 2022, at 13:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
09:00Update on sTGC Material Budget Plots ( 00:05 ) 1 fileArushi Dhamija
09:15Vertex Study of Muons and Pions for Forward Detectors ( 00:10 ) 1 fileIshu Aggarwal
09:25Forward tracking alignment with Millepede and Genfit ( 00:10 ) 1 fileGavin Wilks
09:35Tasks and tracking Updates ( 00:20 ) 1 file
09:55sTGC Geometry and Misalignment ( 00:20 ) 1 fileNicole Lewis

STAR FWD Software

2022-06-23 09:00
America/New York
Thursday, 23 June 2022, at 13:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00



STAR Forward Upgrade Meeting

2022-09-20 08:30
America/New York
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 161 066 7779 Passcode: fSTAR, at 12:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR Forward Upgrade Face-to-Face Meeting On Offline Software Status I

2022-09-27 08:00
America/New York
Tuesday, 27 September 2022
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 161 066 7779 Passcode: fSTAR, at 12:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
Zoom Connection:
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 066 7779
Passcode: fSTAR
08:00Current Situation on sTGC detector rebuilt ( 00:30 ) 1 filesTGC Group
08:30Triggering with fSTAR in Run23 ( 00:30 ) 1 filebarbara trzeciak
09:00HCAL Cluster-finder optimization ( 00:15 ) 1 fileManny R. (University of Kentucky)
09:20FCS ECal pi0 calibration ( 00:15 ) 1 fileXilin
09:40WFF progress ( 00:20 ) 1 fileDavid K.
10:05FCS software tasks summary ( 00:15 ) 1 fileAkio
10:25calibration and FST QA needs ( 00:20 ) 1 fileTe-Chuan
10:50Software Updates ( 00:20 ) 0 filesDaniel
11:15NIM Paper ( 00:15 ) 0 filesAll

STAR Forward Upgrade Meeting

2022-08-30 08:30
America/New York
Tuesday, 30 August 2022
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 161 066 7779 Passcode: fSTAR, at 12:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

- Shutdown updates 
   Chi: what have we learnt on the sTGC problems
   Prashanth: what is going on in the Hall
  Update on FCS
  Update on Calorimeters
  Update on fixed target installation 
- News from the offline analysis of the FCS and the trackers (sTGC + FST) -- ALL
- Update on NIM papers
- Intro to the project ???
- NIM paper on FCS including electronics and trigger —> Renee
- NIM paper on sTGC + Electronics and one on the gas system  —> Chi and Prashanth
- NIM paper on FST —> Zhenyu and Flemming
- NIM paper on offline software (reconstruction and clustering)  Daniel + Akio

Remember: Face-to-face meeting: 27th of September We will if needed split the face-to-face meeting in 2 parts on in the morning (EDT) 8:00 am of the 27th and one in the evening (EDT) 7:00 pm of the 27th.

07:30sTGC HV-trip inquiry ( 00:20 ) 1 file

STAR Forward Upgrade Meeting

2022-09-13 08:30
America/New York
Tuesday, 13 September 2022
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 161 066 7779 Passcode: fSTAR, at 12:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00


- Shutdown updates 
  Update on FCS
  Update on sTGC
  Update on Calorimeters
  Update on fixed target installation 
- News from the offline analysis of the FCS and the trackers (sTGC + FST) -- ALL

Remember: Face-to-face meeting: 27th of September We will if needed split the face-to-face meeting in 2 parts on in the morning (EDT) 8:00 am of the 27th and one in the evening (EDT) 7:00 pm of the 27th.

STAR Forward Upgrade Meeting

2022-08-16 08:30
America/New York
Tuesday, 16 August 2022
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 161 066 7779 Passcode: fSTAR, at 12:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

- Short Shutdown updates -- All
- News from the offline analysis of the FCS and the trackers (sTGC + FST) -- ALL
   and discussion about our long meeting plan on offline software.

- Update on NIM papers
- Intro to the project ???
- NIM paper on FCS including electronics and trigger —> Renee
- NIM paper on sTGC + Electronics and one on the gas system  —> Chi and Prashanth
- NIM paper on FST —> Zhenyu and Flemming
- NIM paper on offline software (reconstruction and clustering)  Daniel + Akio

STAR Forward Upgrade Meeting

2022-08-02 08:30
America/New York
Tuesday, 2 August 2022
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 161 066 7779 Passcode: fSTAR, at 12:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

- Short Shutdown updates -- All
- a new fixed target installation and its impact on the forward upgrade -- Lijuan
- News from the offline analysis of the FCS and the trackers (sTGC + FST) -- ALL

- Update on NIM papers
- NIM paper on FCS including electronics and trigger —> Renee
- NIM paper on sTGC + Electronics and one on the gas system  —> Chi and Prashanth
- NIM paper on FST —> Zhenyu and Flemming
- NIM paper on offline software (reconstruction and clustering)  Daniel + Akio

STAR Forward Upgrade Meeting

2022-07-19 08:30
America/New York
Tuesday, 19 July 2022
ZOOM: Meeting ID: 161 066 7779 Passcode: fSTAR, at 12:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

- Short Shutdown updates
- News from the offline analysis of the FCS and the trackers (sTGC + FST)
- Update on NIM papers

We did discuss, that we will start our publications of the STAR forward upgrade, lets hear about the progress so far
- NIM paper on FCS including electronics and trigger —> Renee
- NIM paper on sTGC + Electronics and one on the gas system  —> Chi and Prashanth
- NIM paper on FST —> Zhenyu and Flemming
- NIM paper on offline software (reconstruction and clustering)  Daniel + Akio

PWGC preview: Energy Dependence of Polarized photon photon to e+e- in Peripheral Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

Speaker : Xiaofeng Wang

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:20