Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:05


Open PRs

Speaker : All

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:10

- #358 (eTOF)
- #308/311 (Geant4)
- PWGTools PR(s) ?

Run21 7.7 GeV calibration/production readiness

Speaker : All

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20


Comparison with PRC paper


H3L 3 body production in Au+Au 3.2 GeV and other FXT datasets

Speaker : Yuanjing Ji

Talk time : 13:10, Duration : 00:20


19.6 GeV 2019 Centrality

 Attached are the slides for the 19.6 GeV 2019 centrality definition with preliminary systematic uncertainties on <Ncoll>, <Npart>, <impact parameter>, and <Glauber multiplic

Coherent rho production @ 200GeV collisions

Speaker : Isaac Upsal

Talk time : 12:45, Duration : 00:25

I'm assuming Yuanjing and I have swapped times as requested.

Rho Prime Photoproduction Update

Speaker : David Tlusty

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:25


Run19 19.6GeV e-e+ analysis

Speaker : Yiding Han

Talk time : 11:35, Duration : 00:25


Run19 19.6GeV e-e+ analysis

Speaker : Yiding Han

Talk time : 11:35, Duration : 00:25


updates on dielectron and Jpsi production at very low pT in isobaric collisions

Speaker : Kaifeng Shen

Talk time : 11:35, Duration : 00:20


Production of K *0 in Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV from RHIC BES-II (Priliminary plots for SQM 2022)

pi, K, p Spectra and Baryon Stopping in Photonuclear Events in Au+Au Collisions at 54 GeV

Speaker : Nicole Lewis

Talk time : 11:15, Duration : 00:20

Updates on di-electron and Jpsi production at very low pT in isobaric collisions

Speaker : Kaifeng Shen

Talk time : 10:55, Duration : 00:20


Strangeness production in d+Au 62.4 GeV Run 16

Speaker : Ishu Aggarwal

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:20


Low-pT e+e- pairs production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV in the centrality 80-100% (run10)

Speaker : Xiaofeng Wang

Talk time : 09:55, Duration : 00:25


Recent update on the analysis of low pT dimuon pair production

Speaker : Jian Zhou

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:15


Paper proposal: Strangeness Production and Freeze-out Properties in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

Speaker : Yingjie Zhou

Talk time : 09:05, Duration : 00:25


Status report of BES-I overview paper


Speaker : Hanna Zbroszczyk ( WUT )

Talk time : 10:50, Duration : 00:20

Raport on STAR BES Review paper