sTGC Survey and tracking task list

Speaker : Daniel

Talk time : 10:10, Duration : 00:05


Forward Tracking System Alignment

Speaker : Gavin Wilks

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:10


Vertex Study of Muons and Pions for Forward Detectors

Speaker : Ishu Aggarwal

Talk time : 09:55, Duration : 00:10


Update on sTGC Material Budget

Speaker : Arushi Dhamija

Talk time : 09:50, Duration : 00:05


Status of zero field alignment production and the updates on FST offline analysis

Speaker : Te-Chuan Huang

Talk time : 09:50, Duration : 00:10

sTGC Geometry and Misalignment

Speaker : Nicole Lewis ( BNL )

Talk time : 09:30, Duration : 00:20

Progress on StFttPointMaker and ghost hit rejection

Speaker : Zhen Wang (SDU)

Talk time : 09:10, Duration : 00:20


Progress on StFcsWaveformFitMaker to compute energy in Ecal and Hcal

Speaker : David Kapukchyan

Talk time : 08:50, Duration : 00:20

Cluster Finder of the STAR Forward Calorimeter System (FCS)

Speaker : Manny Rosales ( University of Kentucky )

Talk time : 08:40, Duration : 00:10


Anderson, Derek -- ICHEP2022 Slides

This post collects the various drafts of the slides for my talk at ICHEP 2022 in Bologna, Italy.

DNP 2022 Abstract_v2


Identified particle spectra at low pT in Run19 200 GeV Au+Au

Speaker : Rongrong Ma ( BNL )

Talk time : 10:20, Duration : 00:20


DNP 2022 - sTGC

Updates of high pT PID Spectra in Au+Au collisions at 19.6 GeV of 2019 data

Speaker : Jia Chen ( SDU )

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 10:20


Observation of an anti-hypernuclei {}^{4}_{#bar{#lambda}}#bar{H} at RHIC

Observation of an Antimatter Hypernucleus with Atomic Mass Number of 4

Geometry and Misalignment


Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00

Offline Data Analysis


Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00

Offline Software


Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00

Shutdown Report


Talk time : 00:00, Duration : 00:00

Offline Data Analysis

Speaker : Te-Chuan Huang, Sajid Ali ( NCKU )

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:10