STAR PWGC meeting

2022-09-16 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 16 September 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-08-26 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 26 August 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-09-23 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 23 September 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-08-12 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 12 August 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) UrQMD vs. SMASH for BES-II comparison

Conclusions: sizable UrQMD simulations have been produced for several energies, which can be found here: /gpfs01/star/pwg_tasks/simulations/UrQMD. PWGs will continue the discussion on this topic, and feedback from analyzers are very welcome. 

2) Forward triggers for Run23 Au+Au run
  • Expected to present trigger configurations, thresholds, rates, etc, at the forward meeting in Aug/Sep
Conclusions: conveners will ask proponents of mid+forward rapidity Jpsi trigger in UPC  to present their studies in a LFSUPC weekly meeting

3) Collaboration meeting
  • Take presenters' time zone into account when scheduling talks in the parallel sessions
  • Food truck operates between 11am - 1 pm at BNL. 
- Anyone who wants to attend the meeting in person should fill out the form ( such that organizers know the head-count. There is a limit of 50 people for the BNL large seminar room. 
- If none of the conveners plans to attend the meeting in person, it is recommended to find a delegate who will be in charge of the parallel session on site

4) Disassemble GPC #216 and #276

Conclusions:  Dan will confirm with all PAs of the two GPCs about the disassembly. 

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-11-18 09:00
America/New York
Friday, 18 November 2022, at 14:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Measurements of the longitudinal and transverse spin transfer to $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ hyperons in polarized proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=200$ $\mathrm{GeV}$
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Xiaoxuan Chu]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Yi Yu]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Yike Xu, Yi Yu, Qinghua Xu, Jinlong Zhang
Target journal: PRD

2) Data production 
  • Production priority (LIST)
    • Interests of analyzing O+O for QM23
    • Run21 FXT energies: calibration for each energy takes ~ a month for ETOF
  • BES-I MuDst->PicoDst conversion
    • AuAu62_production, P10ik
    • AuAu39_production P10ik
    • AuAu27_production_2011 P11id
    • AuAu19_production P11id
    • AuAu11_production P10ih
    • AuAu7_production P10ih
    • Chain option: picoDst PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxDefault PicoCovMtxMode:PicoCovMtxWrite PicoBEmcSmdMode:PicoBEmcSmdWrite
  • Run17 st_fms: new production with P22ib done
    • Can we remove MuDst and PicoDst of P18ic?
- Suggested production priority: 200 GeV d+Au  > 200 GeV O+O > 17.3 COL > (Run20+21) 26.5 FXT (7.2) > 3.85 FXT I (3.0) > 44.5 FXT (9.2) > 70 FXT (11.5) > 100 FXT (13.7) > 3.85 FXT II (3.0, 2B) 
- PWG will follow up on the BES-I conversion chain option, and Run17 st_fms dataset

3) Agenda for Dec. analysis meeting: DRAFT

4) Follow up
  • Do we still need to duplicate small-size datasets on distributed disk?
    • FCV: Run19 200GeV, 19.6 GeV and 7.7 GeV: Shandong University (for decorrelation and polarization analyses)
    • Shall we request all BES-II datasets?
  • List of key BES-II measurements: LIST
    • FCV
      • Lambda hyperon polarization: Shandong University, MEPhI
      • Phi meson vn: IISER Tirupati
      • Directed flow of proton: UC Riverside
  • pwg_tasks space: usage
Conclusions: will discuss with S&C team to see if we can duplicate all BES-II datasets on distributed disk as these datasets will be actively analyzed.
5) Reminder
09:00Update on strangeness production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=19.6 GeV ( 00:20 ) 1 fileSameer Aslam

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-08-19 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 19 August 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Measurements of unpolarized cross section and transverse single spin asymmetry of $Z^{0}$ in 500/510 GeV p+p collisions
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Qinghua Xu]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Xiaoxuan Chu]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Elke-Caroline Aschenauer, Xiaoxuan Chu, Oleg Eyser, Salvatore Fazio
Target journal: PLB

2) Zoom meeting on Aug.  22nd to discuss input from STAR on the Longe Range Plan (LRP)
  • Each PWG prepares 2-3 slides on what you think is/are the most important discovery(ies)/interpretation(s) from STAR since the last LRP
- Zoom link:
- Agenda:
- Everyone is welcome to join
- These important results could be ideas from before last LRP, but we have gained important insights into them since last LRP
- These presentations from each PWG hopefully will serve as the starting point for the white paper

3) Run21 7.7 GeV COL data
  • Production done
  • An issue in nSigmaX distribution is found. See details here. This is being investigated. 
Conclusions: there seem potential issues with eTOF as well. Will inform the experts. A reproduction of MuDst or PicoDst is likely needed. 

4) Run19 14.6 GeV bad run and centrality almost ready
5) Cold QCD: request to reproduce Run17 st_fms data by adding "pp2pp" option. Only MuDst's are needed. (SLIDES)
  • Current production: P18ic, "DbV20171001 pp2017a StiCA btof mtd mtdCalib PicoVtxDefault fmsDat fmsPoint fpsDat BEmcChkStat OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D"
  • Which library is preferred, previous one or the latest one?
- Will consult with PAs which library is preferred
- Since there are no large ongoing production, the proposal is to start this production immediately and share the farm with other BES-II 
production when they are ready 

6) Tasks for Code QA
  • Reproduce exactly the analysis results,  provided by PAs, based on a few (1-2) MuDst/PicoDst/Embedding files
  • Reproduce paper figures based on the instructions, codes, histograms from full statistics, all provided by PAs
- Conveners are generally supportive of this proposal. Will apply them to new GPCs.

- For currently active GPCs, Rongrong will remind them that all the analysis codes, not just the plotting macros, should be committed to CVS. 

7) Embedding helper: FCV PWG

- We have found two embedding deputies: Maowu Nie (SDU), Xionghong He (Lanzhou)

- The FCV PWG will continue to search for a helper. But Xianglei can already start with the current team (2 deputies, 5 helpers)

8) Submitted presentations (LINK)

Conclusions: conveners and PAC will go through the list of submitted presentations to provide comments or discard obsolete entries. 

9) Deadline information, when available, is now included in the notification email

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-10-21 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 21 October 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Measurement of directed flow at forward and backward pseudorapidity in Au+Au collisions at 27 GeV with the Event Plane Detector (EPD) at STAR
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Jiangyong Jia]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Xiaoyu Liu]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Shinichi Esumi, Mike Lisa, Xiaoyu Liu, Prithwish Tribedy
Target journal: PRC

2) LRP white papers
- There are multiple white papers ongoing: i) one from the hot and cold QCD townhall; ii) one for hot QCD organized by conveners/speakers from townhall. It will be good to know which STAR members are on these writing committees for easier coordination. 
- It was suggested that the STAR white paper should focus on the future programs (what physics STAR can do in the next years). Summaries of what have been learnt since last LRP should be concise and about physics, not a laundry list of measurements. 
- Better to submit the STAR white paper to arXiv such that it can be cited. 
- The Nov. 7th deadline set by the townhall organizers for white paper submission is quite rushed. We should probably communicate with them about this. Cold QCD folks have already written to them. 
- Will continue the discussion in the next weeks. 

3) Follow up
  • Do we still need to duplicate small-size datasets on distributed disk?
  • List of key BES-II measurements: LIST
  • pwg_tasks space: usage
Conclusions: conveners will send feedbacks they received to the PWGC mailing list, and Rongrong will update the tables accordingly. 

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-10-28 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 28 October 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-11-04 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 4 November 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: 3D jet substructure measurements in pp collisions at 200 GeV
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Nihar Sahoo]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Monika Robotkova]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Monika Robotkova, Georgi Ponimatkin, Jana Bielchikova, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, Helen Caines, Joern Putschke
Target journal: PRL and PRD


Hot QCD Community White Paper
  • From Megan: "Jean-Francois and I were asked to organize a Hot QCD white paper that helps put the other white papers in context of the physics goals in our field. My understanding is that STAR was preparing to write a white paper but wanted to suggest that we join efforts and would like to invite those in STAR who were planning to contribute, to help write the relevant sections of the document we are preparing. Below is the draft outline of topics that we are planning to cover. We appreciate any recommendations you have for writers or any other suggestions on this process."
  • STAR members already in the committee: Xin Dong, Prithwish Tribedy, Jiangyong Jia, Kong Tu
- We will not write a separate STAR white paper. But instead, use the BUR as the reference for details.
- Will propose the following people to join the hot QCD 
community white paper writing committee: Rongrong Ma, Takafumi Niida, Dan Cebra, Nihar Sahoo

3) Data production news
  • DAQ proudction
    • Run17 pp 510 GeV st_fms with pp2pp option - done (0.5% remaining)
  • PicoDst -> MuDst conversion
    • Run17 pp 510 GeV st_physics - done
      • Is the jet tree production finished? Can we remove MuDst files from RCF?
    • Run12 UU 193 GeV - done
    • Run14 AuAu 200 GeV prod_low/mid - waiting for PWG QA to resume
  • Data restoration
    • Run16 st_upc MuDst - done
    • Run11 AuAu 200 GeV - done (DD+RCF)
    • Run18 FXT AuAu 3 GeV - duplicated on DD
  • Anyone using MuDst of pp500_production_2013 P14ia and P14ig data? We have 2% - 60% on DD depending no the data stream. 
Run17 pp 510 GeV st_physics: need a couple more weeks to produce jet tree from MuDst. 
pp500_production_2013: ColdQCD PWG will check if anyone is using MuDst files of this dataset

4) Data production priority (PRIORITY LIST)
  • Run21: O+O vs. d+Au
  • Run22: st_physics, st_mtd, st_fwd, st_W
- FCV PWG prefers to have a slightly higher priority for O+O than for d+Au. Looking forward towards QM 2023, if we want to show results from O+O, we probably need to produce them immediately after 11.5 GeV Au+Au data. Will continue to discuss this. 
- Run22 datasets will be produced after Run21 datasets. For the four main streams in Run22, st_mtd can be placed with lowest priority. ColdQCD PWG will discuss the relative priorities of the other three data streams.

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-11-11 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 11 November 2022, at 14:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Strangeness Production in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Dan Cebra]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Yingjie Zhou]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Xin Dong, Yue-Hang Leung, Yaping Wang, Guannan Xie, Nu Xu, Yingjie Zhou
Target journal: PLB


2) Organizational news for LFSUPC co-convener
  • Incoming: Yue Hang Leung
  • Outgoing: Dan Cebra
3) New PWGC meeting time: 9am BNL time on Fridays?

Conclusions: will change the meeting start time from next week (Nov. 18th)

4) Data production priority (PRIORITY LIST)
  • Run21: O+O vs. d+Au
    • Production time: 2 weeks each
    • Calibration time: d+Au - 4 weeks; O+O - a few months
  • Run22: st_physics, st_mtd, st_fwd, st_W, st_upc, st_zerobias
- One suggestion:
 (Run20+21) 26.5 FXT (7.2) > 3.85 FXT I (3.0) > 44.5 FXT (9.2) > 70 FXT (11.5) > 100 FXT (13.7) > 200 GeV d+Au  > 200 GeV O+O >? 17.3 COL  > 3.85 FXT II (3.0). Will continue the discussion next week.
- PWGs are asked to poll the interests of analyzing O+O data for QM
- Suggested Run 22 priority: st_upc > st_zerobias > st_W > st_physics > st_fwd > st_mtd
-- ColdQCD PWG will determine a list of runs for EMC calibration, which could be produced before physics production

-- it should be very fast to produce st_upc and st_zerobias streams
-- need to discuss with S&C team whether it is efficient to produce st_zerobias stream 
standalone and couple it with other data streams
5) Embedding production
  • Mismatch seen in nHits distributions was identified to be offline vs. online cluster finder, which is now fixed for Run18 and BES-II. (See DETAILS here)
  • Need 1-2 weeks to fine tune TpcRS after fixing the cluster finder issue
  • Do we need to prioritize the embedding requests or just follow the natural order according to the request date (first come first serve)?
  • FXT embedding strategy
- Currently, we can go with the natural order of embedding requests, i.e. first come, first serve
- Will discuss priority for embedding production needed for HP2023 conference
- Dan presented and submitted some FXT embedding request with high priority in order to verify if it is OK to combine embedding production for various FXT energies

6) Agenda for Dec. analysis meeting: DRAFT

Conclusions: will continue the discussion next week

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-10-14 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 14 October 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Measurements of dimuon production induced by ultra-strong electromagnetic fields
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Md. Nasim]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Jian Zhou]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Daniel Brandenburg, Rongrong Ma, Lijuan Ruan, Zebo Tang, Zhangbu Xu, Chi Yang, Shuai Yang, Wangmei Zha, Jian Zhou 
Target journal: PRL

2) Centrality meeting on Oct. 18th, 11am BNL time AOB
- What is the definition of small-sized dataset that could be duplicated on DD?
- At this point, we suggest that PWGs ignore this criteria and list all the datasets that they want to be duplicated on DD. Once we receive feedback from all PWGs and decide on a priority list, we will discuss with the S&C team to see which datasets can be actually duplicated due to the capacity of the DD.

- What is the current progress of BES-II embedding?
- A postdoc from BNL/KSU is leading the efforts to understand the issue and tune TpcRS. Currently, the discrepancy between data and embedding seems to originate from different TPC cluster finders used. Further investigations are ongoing. 

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-09-30 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 30 September 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Non-identical particle femtoscopy measurements in the STAR Beam Energy Scan program
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Xiaofeng Luo]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Paweł Szymański]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Diana Pawłowska, Sebastian Siejka, Paweł Szymański, Daniel Wielanek, Hanna Zbroszczyk
Target journal: PRC


2) List of key BES-II measurements: LIST
  • We can claim BES-II analyses are done after these results are released 
- Conveners will bring this back to PWG for discussion
- Need to identify groups who will work on these key measurements
- Dan suggested to add all FXT energies. Probably should have targeted datasets separately for each analysis. 

3) A reminder
  • After addressing PWGC comments and completing the analysis, PAs should send paper draft and analysis note to the PWG for review for at least 2 weeks.
  • Conveners should sign off explicitly before requesting GPC. 
Conclusions: it is not sufficient for conveners to approve analysis during a PWG meeting. Circulating the material to the mailing list such that all the members have a chance to comment is important. 

4) List of service task: LIST

 will continue updating the list if there are additional inputs from PWGs. Then will send the list to the Council in case something is missing

5) pwg_tasks space: usage

Conclusions: Conveners will bring this back to PWG for discussion. If there are data that are not needed, we can remove them to make space for new requests. 

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-07-22 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 22 July 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Event-by-event correlations between Λ (anti-Λ) hyperon measurements and the chiral magnetic effect observables in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV from STAR
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Subhash Singha]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Yicheng Feng]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Yicheng Feng, Evan Finch, Jie Zhao, Fuqiang Wang
Target journal: Physical Review C


2) Run21 7.7 GeV production plan
  • Recommendation: will start the first pass of Run21 7.7 GeV production with the current available calibrations 
  • Two known limitations, which may be improved in the future once the improved calibrations are ready
    • dE/dx offsets for heavier particles - Yuri is working on this
    • eTOF overal timing resolution ~150ps - worse (a factor of 2) than expectation
Conclusions: the convener panel is supportive of the recommendation of producing a first pass of Run21 7.7 GeV data. 

3) Collaboration meeting at BNL (hybrid, Sep. 12-16)
  • Tuesday, Wednesday: parallel sessions
  • PWG reports during plenary session
  • Management-convener meeting: noon or evening?
Conclusions: tentatively, we will schedule the management-convener meeting in an evening during the collaboration meeting. 

4) pwg_tasks space for BES-II UrQMD simulations
  • 10 million events at each energy
  • 2T disk space
Conclusions: conveners are in support of this proposal. FCV, CF and LFSUPC will discuss within PWGs and decide on the configuration of UrQMD that is useful for majority of analyses. 

- Run19 14.6 GeV centrality calibration is being wrapped up, and 
should be made available to the whole collaboration soon. We should not approve any centrality-dependent preliminary results before that. 
- Authors should really obey the rule and send slides/proceedings to PWGs 2 weeks ahead of deadline. 

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-07-29 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 29 July 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Embedding deputies and helpers (Current list)
  • One helper for each PWG
    • Expect to place high priority on assigned tasks, and communicate with the embedding coordinator timely
      • LFSUPC: Yi Fang (Tsinghua), Yiding Han (Rice)
      • Cold QCD: Hannah Harrison (Kentucky)
      • HP: Diptanil Roy (Rutgers)
      • CF: Yongcong Xu (CCNU)
  • Two deputies needed: in charge of embedding setup and running QA samples on RCF
    • Need to be committed to the job
    • Expect to spend 20-30% of his/her time
Conclusions: i) FCV PWG will continue to search for a helper; ii) nominations/suggestions for deputies are welcome

2) Questions from trigger group (answers needed by Aug. 1st)
  • More midrapidity triggers than those used in Run14/16?
  • Cross talk between BEMC and BTOF?
Conclusions: there are interests from LFSUPC to trigger on back-to-back signals, from for example Jpsi decays, in both BEMC and BTOF together, which will require commutations between BEMC and BTOF on the trigger level. This is the only new trigger at mid-rapidity needed for Run23 compared to Run14/16.

3) UrQMD vs. SMASH for BES-II comparison

Conclusions: LFSUPC/FCV/CF PWGs will continue to discuss which generator(s) to use and with what configuration(s). 

4) Forward triggers: concrete plan needed by September

Conclusions: there are two forward triggers proposed for Run23 Au+Au running
- HP PWG: search for charmed nucleus (TOFmult <~ 100, EPD one hit > 3 MIP, HCAL > 25 GeV)
- LFSUPC PWG: will follow up on coincidence trigger between forward and mid rapidity for UPC Jpsi

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-08-05 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 5 August 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Observation of an anti-hypernucleus H4L at RHIC
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Dan Cebra]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Junlin]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Xionghong He, Qiang Hu, Chengyang Liu, Tan Lu, Hao Qiu, Junlin Wu, Yapeng Zhang, Fengyi Zhao
Target journal: Science

2) Production news (Gene's report)
  • Run21 7.7 GeV COL: production just started; QA feedback needed (trgsetupname=production_7p7GeV_2021,filetype=daq_reco_picodst,production=P22ib,storage=local)
  • Run20 FXT MuDst->PicoDst: to be started very soon after UU conversion is done; will not reproduce Run19 FXT data since ETOF was not very useful anyway
  • Run17 510 GeV p+p MuDst -> PicoDst: production started; confirming with BTOF experts that correct calibration parameters are picked up
  • Calibration: Run20 11.5 GeV, 9.2 GeV, and Run21 17.3 GeV
3) Data accessibility on distributed disk
  • Automatic restoration mechanism didn't pick up new datasets since 1 year ago. Fixed now.
  • Duplicate datasets on disk 
    • Small
    • Actively analyzed
Conclusions: PWGs will work out a priority list of datasets desired to be duplicated on distributed disk, and then work with the S&C team to implement them to the extent possible. 

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-07-15 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 15 July 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Measurements of longitudinal double-spin asymmetries for dijet production at intermediate pseudorapidity in polarized pp collisions at \sqrt(s) = 510 GeV
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Maria Zurek]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Scott Wissink]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: W.W. Jacobs, J.H. Kwasizur, S.W. Wissink
Target journal: Physical Review D Letters

2) Data production for 7.7 GeV COL
  • Current dE/dx calibration is good for a first pass; further improvement mainly for large-mass particles
  • Need to see whether the current eTOF calibration is good for a first pass
- the convener panel is supportive of the plan to produce the 7.7 GeV COL data, which overlaps with the 7.7 GeV FXT data. 
- the eTOF calibration and software should be ready for converting Run19/20 FXT MuDst to PicoDst. Will ask the production team to move this forward. 

3) Late request of preliminary results
  • Conveners keep track of analysis progress since the abstract submission, and request regular updates from PAs
  • If PAs do not respond, conveners should inform management, who will then intervene
  • If PWG/conveners do not have time to vet the new results, those results should not be released as preliminary
- We need to watch out for abstracts that over-promise 
- Analyzers should present their results regularly in PWG such that conveners can follow the details of the analyses, to make the approval process smooth. 

4) Embedding deputies and helpers (Current list)
  • One helper for each PWG
    • Expect to place high priority on assigned tasks, and communicate with the embedding coordinator timely
      • LFSUPC: Yi Fang (Tsinghua), Yiding Han (Rice)
  • Two deputies needed: in charge of embedding setup and running QA samples on RCF
    • Need to be committed to the job
    • Expect to spend 20-30% of his/her time
Conclusions: conveners will follow up on this.

5) Questions from trigger group (answers needed by Aug. 1st)
  • More midrapidity triggers than those used in Run14/16?
  • Cross talk between BEMC and BTOF?
  • BBC trigger readout issues seen in Run22 will be fixed with DSM2 board for Run23. BEMC trigger readout issue is negligible. 
Conclusions: the preliminary answer is that we do not need anything more than what was there in Run14/16. PWGs should follow up on this in the next two weeks. 

6) FXT embedding strategy: proton sample for all datasets for comparison and cross check

Conclusions: the highest priority for embedding should be pions in 3.2 GeV FXT such that one can compare TPC performance at positive and negative eta. Then we should produce embedding samples at 3.2 and 7.7 GeV FXT in order to verify whether one can group several FXT datasets together for embedding purpose. 

7) Collaboration meeting
  • Time: Sep. 12-16
  • Location: BNL
  • LFSUPC: organize a dedicated parallel session for freeze-out parameter extraction, especially at low energy (3 GeV FXT)
Conclusions: PAs of spectrum analyses at 3 GeV FXT will start the discussion about freeze-out parameter extraction before collaboration meeting

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-07-08 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 8 July 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Thermal dielectron spectra from hot and dense QCD matter in Au+Au collisions at RHIC
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Dan Cebra]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Zaochen Ye]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Daniel Brandenburg, Frank Geurts, Lijuan Ruan, Tetyana Galatyuk, Zhangbu Xu, Zhen Wang, Chi Yang, Shuai Yang, Zaochen Ye
Target journal: Nature Physics


2) Strategy for BES-II FXT dataset embedding (Dan, SLIDES)

Conclusions: given the large number of FXT datasets recorded during BES-II, it was suggested to merge the embedding requests for the datasets of same TPC status. 
  • Here are potential groups of FXT datasets that have the same TPC status and could be combined
    • 2019: 3.2, 3.9, 7.7
    • 2020: 3.9, 5.2, 6.2
    • 2021: 3.0 (first part), 9.2, 11.5, 13.7
  • The main idea is to produce embedding samples for the highest energy in a group (see above), which covers the full multiplicity range, and this embedding sample will be used for all the datasets in the group
  • Might submit central embedding requests for each group instead of from individual analyzers
  • This is possible since the vertex positions of all FXT datasets are the same
  • Will check the effect of rapidity change vs. collision energy by comparing the tracking efficiencies at a given multiplicity between existing Run19 3.2 GeV embedding and (to-be-produced) Run19 7.7 GeV embedding
  • Dan will coordinate with other conveners and the embedding team to come up with a more concrete strategy

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-07-01 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 1 July 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Energy Dependence of Polarized γγ→e^+ e^- in Peripheral Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Daniel Brandenburg]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Xiaofeng Wang]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Daniel Brandenburg, Lijuan Ruan, Xiaofeng Wang, Zhen Wang, Zhangbu Xu, Chi Yang, Qian Yang, Shuai Yang, Wangmei Zha
Target journal: PRC


2) Organizational news - Cold QCD convener rotation (Outgoing: Matt Posik; Incoming: Xiaoxuan Chu)

Conclusions: many thanks for Matt's dedication to the Cold QCD PWG in the last three years. Welcome on board Xiaoxuan. 

3) Embedding helpers (Current list)
  • One helper for each PWG
  • Expect to place high priority on assigned tasks, and communicate with the embedding coordinator timely
    • LFSUPC: Yi Fang (Tsinghua), Yiding Han (Rice)
- PWGs will approach existing helpers to see if they are willing to continue to serve. If not, will find new helpers.
- It is very important that helpers place embedding work as one of their priorities and communicate with others in a timely fashion.
- Dan: we should have a coherent approach to FXT embedding. We do not need separate embeddings for all the datasets since the detector acceptance and event multiplicity do not change significantly among different FXT energies. Will look into this and come up with a plan. 

4) Help needed for Yuri to do detailed QA during calibration

Conclusions: Dan will communicate with Yuri to see what kind of help he needs exactly, and then we will try to find helpers in the QA board. 

5) Production priority (PRIORITY)
  • 17.3 COL and 7.2 FXT
Conclusions: 17.3 COL and (Run20+21) 7.2 FXT are now placed as the highest priority among all Run21 datasets

6) Questions from trigger group (answers needed by Aug. 1st)
  • More midrapidity triggers than those used in Run14/16?
  • Cross talk between BEMC and BTOF?
- Rongrong will find out whether the BEMC trigger issue during Run22 is fixed or not
- PWGs will continue to discuss at weekly meetings on these questions

7) Forward triggers: concrete plan needed by September

Conclusions: HP and LFSUPC will follow up on the study of potential forward triggers for Run23 Au+Au collisions. Need to come up with initial trigger thresholds and expected rates by September. 

8) Run19 19.6 GeV Glauber parameter uncertainties available (LINK)
  • 5% uncertainty in total cross section included as in BES-I. It will be re-evaluated for publication
- These uncertainties are good for preliminary results. 
- The bad run list for Run19 3.2 GeV (FXT, 4.59 GeV) is now available:

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-06-24 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 24 June 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00

STAR PWGC meeting

2022-06-03 09:30
America/New York
Friday, 3 June 2022, at 13:30 (GMT), duration : 00:00
1) Paper preview: Hyperon polarization along the beam direction relative to the second and third harmonic event planes in isobar collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV
- Brief introduction from the PWG conveners (5’) [Subhash Singha]
- Paper proposal (15')  [Presentation by Takafumi Niida]
- Open discussions (35')
- Summary from the conveners' panel (5’)
Proposal page:
PA: Takafumi Niida, Xingrui Gou, Zhenyu Chen, Qinghua Xu, Sergei Voloshin
Target journal: PRL


2) Run17 st_rp stream: MuDst restoration requested
Conclusions: will double check with analyzers whether it is feasible to match st_rp and st_physics streams. If so, will restore all st_rp stream MuDst files. 

3) Upcoming conference approvals (PRESENTATIONS)
- AUM: June 7 - 10
- SQM: June 13 - 17

AOB: a few flow analyses using 14.6 GeV data were requested for preliminary release at SQM while the official centrality calibration is not ready
- Custom centrality determinations are used for these analyses, and the MB results have been checked against BES-I results
- While crosschecking with BES-I data is valuable, we should encourage, or even urge, analyzers to take efforts to expand analyses by taking advantage of new capabilities enabled by detector upgrades. 
- We should not give impressions that BES-II is only a repeat of BES-I with more statistics. 
- Extra care should be taken to check possible background effects for events with RefMult < 20