STAR Presentations

Found (4290) STAR Presentations

List of STAR Presentations (abstracts / talks / posters / proceedings)
Quark Matter 2004   - Oakland, CA, Jan. 11-17, 2004
talk: Measurement of Jet Fragmentation at RHIC
e-Print Archives (nucl-ex/0404010) : Abstract | PS | PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No
poster: Quantum Interferometry In Rho^0 Production in Ultra-peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions
e-Print Archives (nucl-ex/0402007) : Abstract | PS | PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No
talk: Inclusive electron distributions in d+Au and p+p collisions at RHIC
e-Print Archives (nucl-ex/0404019) : Abstract | PS | PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No
Open Meeting on RHIC Planning   - Upton, NY, Dec. 3-4, 2003
talk: The STAR Decadal Plan
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No
talk: STAR Upgrade Plans and R&D
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: No