STAR Presentations

Found (4168) STAR Presentations

List of STAR Presentations (abstracts / talks / posters / proceedings)
Excited QCD 2024 Workshop   - Benasque, Spain, Jan. 14-20, 2024
talk: Understanding QCD Matter Through Heavy-Ion Collisions at STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Other, selected by STC: Yes
proceedings: Recent results on central exclusive production with the STAR experiment at RHIC
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Cold QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Measurement of d-Lambda correlation in Au+Au collisions from STAR Beam Energy Scan II
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: K+K+ correlation functions in Au+Au collisions at 3.0 - 3.9 GeV
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Baryon-Strangeness Correlations in 3 and 200 GeV Au+Au Collisions from RHIC-STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Measuring QGP temperature with thermal dielectrons with STAR BES-II data
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Measurements of Global and Local Polarization of Hyperons in Heavy Ion Collisions from STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No