STAR Presentations

Found (4240) STAR Presentations

List of STAR Presentations (abstracts / talks / posters / proceedings)
The 21st International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter   - Strasbourg, Please select a country, Jun. 3-7, 2024
proceedings: Measurements of 4ΛH and 4ΛHe Production in √sNN = 3 - 3.5 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
On-line seminar series on RHIC Beam Energy Scan   - Online, Please select a country, May. 28, 2024
talk: Precision Measurement of Net-proton Number Fluctuations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Beam-energy dependent pion interferometry with Levy-stable sources at STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Baryon-Strangeness Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC-STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF| PDF| PDF| PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Production of H3L and H4L in Au+Au collisions from the STAR BES II
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
abstract: Strange Hadron Production at High Baryon Density
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No