STAR run20-21 BUR
Updated on Thu, 2019-08-08 08:46 by caines. Originally created by geurts on 2019-03-27 10:04.
STAR Beam Use Request for Runs 20 and 21
Meeting Schedule & Time Line
- Weekly committee meetings Tuesday noon - 1h30pm (EDT)
- Blue Jeans information:
To join the Meeting: To join via Room System: Video Conferencing System: -or- Meeting ID : 625 208 370 To join via phone : 1) Dial: +1.408.740.7256 (United States) +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (see all numbers - 2) Enter Conference ID : 625 208 370
- Blue Jeans information:
- Time lines:
- draft document to Collaboration: May 10, 2019
- final version to Berndt Mueller: May 15, 2019
- NPP 2019 PAC Meeting: June 10-11, 2019
- Overleaf (read-only version)
- Committee members should contact Frank for the full access link to the online document
- Draft Version(s):
- Final Version (official STAR Note link will show up here)
Official charge Berndt Mueller
Dear Helen & Zhangbu: I am writing to solicit the STAR beam use request for RHIC Run-20 and to request presentations at this year’s PAC meeting, which is scheduled to be held on June 10-11, 2019. The 2020 RHIC run will be the second year of the planned three-year high statistics beam energy scan. The 2018 PAC tentatively assigned first priority for Runs 20-21 to data taking in the collider mode at 7.7, 9.1, and 11.5 GeV CM energy, accumulating at least 100M, 160M, and 230M min bias events, respectively. Second priority was assigned to fixed target runs at 3.0, 3.2, 3.5, 5.2, and 6.2 GeV CM energy, acquiring at least 100M events at each energy, but did not specify exactly in which order these data should be taken, except that optimal use should be made of the availability of electron cooling to enhance the luminosity. The STAR collaboration should not simply take these tentative recommendations as a given, but reconsider and justify the prioritized set of beam energies and the requested accumulated statistics at each energy, assuming either a 24 or a 28 cryo-week run in FY2020, followed by a 20 cryo-week run in FY2021. STAR should also consult with C-AD about the number of dedicated LEReC commissioning weeks that are expected to be required during Run-20. In addition, I request presentations on (i) the status of data analysis from previous RHIC runs and (ii) an update of the physics goals for a short (16 cryo-weeks) forward Spin physics run in FY22 with 500 GeV p+p collisions. The beam use request should be submitted no later than May 15 in order to allow the PAC members to study it in detail before the meeting. Best regards Berndt
2019 PAC Committee Members
Masayuki Asakawa, John Harris (chair), Huan Huang, Volker Koch, Jen-Chieh Peng, Scott Pratt , Krishna Rajagopal, Mikhail Stephanov, Julia Velkovska Bill Christie, Dmitri Denisov, Jamie Dunlop, Wolfram Fischer, Achim Franz (secretary), Hong Ma, Berndt Mueller, Thomas Roser, Ferdinand Willeke
STAR BUR Committee and Assignments
Physics Highlights -- - Heavy Ions: Aya Jowzaee (BulkCorr), Hanseul Oh (Jets), Xin Dong (HF), Sevil Salur (Spectra); - Spin: Zilong Chang, Jinlong Zhang BES-II Upgrades: Irakli Chakaberia (iTPC), Tetyana Galatyuk (eTOF), Rosi Reed (EPD) BES-II Run Plan: Dan Cebra, Declan Keane, Grazyna Odyniec, Xiaofeng Luo pp 500 Run Plan: Jim Drachenberg, Elke Aschenauer, Scott Wissink The case for AuAU at 16.7GeV: Xiaofeng Luo The case for a small systems scan: Wei Li Ex-Officio -- Helen Caines, Zhenyu Ye, Grigory Nigmatkulov Chair -- Frank Geurts
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