
Minutes 27 October 2009


Will Q:   Status of filtering?
Michael A: Victor is still working on filtering.  Problem with TPC in 2009.
Michael C: I cannot test the code because I don't have access to it.  Victor is working on 2009

geometry fixes.
Jim C: I thought Victor had to approve some code.
All: Much confusion about what the situation is.
     There are 2 filters - one for pythia and one for bfc.  Victor is providing the hook to put
     your filter in bfc.  That is what we are waiting for.

(2)EEMC Geometry
Jason C: LOW_EM option does not get executed in stand-alone
Will C: Some of the effects we've seen are probably turning on and off LOW_EM and not

stand-alone versus full geometry
Alice Q: So you aren't bothered by difference in sampling fraction anymore?
Ilya A: No we just understand some things.
Ilya C: There might be other differences between stand-alone and full.
Will C: Maybe we should move away from stand-alone geometry
Jason C: I changed EM cuts in preshower layers so they were consistent with ones in tower stack.
Ilya Q: Changes in materials before preshower layer?
Jason A: No changes in materials
Ilya C: More low energy in preshower.
Jason C: This is different cuts being applied in the preshower.  Cuts are lowered with respect

to cvs.  Maybe did not finish this task.
Jim C: Not sure that "all" really looks like the rest added together.
Will C: Biggest difference appears to be in 1X1.  Energy shared among towers differently.
Scott and others C: It doesn't make sense that red goes up and black goes down when look at

total energy vs. thrown energy.  Why do changes only show up when we put stuff in front of the

detector?  Even if you say black is right and red is wrong, it's still puzzling.
Ilya Q: DetP geom y2006g has no effect in standalone?
Jason A: Yes
Many: So standalone will always be the same no matter what year and options.
Will C: Comparing to standalone not worthwhile.  Things to look at: LOW_EM option, tile configuration.
Jason C: Postshower looks fine.  This means postshower hasn't gotten moved outside poletip.  Also check FILL ESEC - try setting each deltaz to 0.  That puts scintillators in same position as cvs code.
Jim C: We need to compare to data.
Will Q: What option does standalone pick for endcap?
Jason A: The default - which is full endcap.
Scott Q: Any changes that would effect outside of endcap?
Jason A: None that I can think of.  Should be more than 2mm of clearance in front of endcap - i.e. overall length of endcap changed.

Jason will send email to list about cuts and might have time to document other changes.