STAR Juniors



J/pis in Cu+Cu 200 GeV - the high pT contribution to dN/dy

Problem: only limited pT range is accessible in Cu+Cu min-bias data (up to 5Gev/c).

J/psi embedding in 200 GeV Au+Au - drift velocity check

As was reported in, there was an issue with deep int pseud

Correcting for Z-Vertex Variation in Two Particle Number Correlations

Speaker : Larry Tarini ( Wayne State )

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:20

Phi meson production and Cronin effect in d+Au collisions

Speaker : Chitrasen Jena ( LBL/IOPB )

Talk time : 16:20, Duration : 00:20

Run 7 QA

I have analyzed the new test production for run 7 Au+Au @ 200GeV P08ic and compared to the old problematic production P08ib(already deleted by now).I also compared the new production P08ic to the o

Already completed your service work - Did you find that it was beneficial to your skill set building, physics understanding, ...

* Very much
* Somewhat
* Unsure/Neutral
* Not really
* Not at all

Do you think the term "service work" should be changed to better increase the perception and value of what it represents?

* yes, I definitely think "service" is not good
* yes, I think it could help to better understand what is expected
* neutral/no opinions
* no, changing the name will not change much
* no, the name is not at all the issue

Would you support rewarding institutions and advisers who support service work?

* Strongly support
* Support
* Neutral
* Oppose
* Strongly oppose

Would you support giving an award for the best service work project in a given year?

* Strongly support
* Support
* Neutral
* Oppose
* Strongly oppose

Would you be in favor of uniform requirements for service work (all students perform service work for N months)?

* Strongly support
* Support
* Neutral
* Oppose
* Strongly oppose

Are you at all concerned that service is un-evenly divided (some junior do service, others do not)?

* Very concerned
* Moderately concerned
* Not concerned
* No opinion

Do you think service work is taken into account when determining who gets a talk

* Very much so
* Somewhat
* Neutral/no opinion
* Not often
* Not at all

Do you think the requirement for service work in STAR is ____ months

* 0 to 3
* 3 to 6
* 6 to 9
* 9 to 12
* More than 12

I have spent ___ months full time (40 hours per week basis) doing service work

* 0 to 3
* 3 to 6
* 6 to 9
* 9 to 12
* More than 12

Do you think of service work ideally as something you do for the collaboration's benefit or your own?

* Mostly my benefit
* Both but more my benefit
* Equally my benefit and the collaboration's
* Both but more the collaboration's benefit
* Mostly the collaboration's benefit
* No opinions

I have spent ___ years full time on STAR

* 0 to 1
* 2 to 3
* More than 4

STAR Juniors

STAR Juniors Information

A junior is a student or a post-doctoral researcher who has graduated in the