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PID-triggered correlation paper proposal

2+1 long paper proposal

Jet+hadron correlation paper progress report

Jetcorr PWG Meeting

09:00Jet+hadron correlation paper progress report ( 00:30 ) 1 fileAlice Ohlson
09:302+1 long paper proposal ( 00:30 ) 2 filesHua Pei
10:00PID-triggered correlation paper proposal ( 00:30 ) 0 filesKolja Kauder
Coffee Break ( 00:30 )
11:00Paper proposal ( 00:30 ) 1 fileChanaka da Silva

Coffee Break

Triggered Dihadron Correlations at Sqrt(s)=39GeV

FMS-EEMC correlations

Correlations with PID

Transverse rapidity correlation analysis

Jetcorr PWG Meeting

14:00Transverse rapidity correlation analysis ( 00:30 ) 1 fileLanny Ray
14:30Correlations with PID ( 00:30 ) 1 fileAlan Davila
15:00FMS-EEMC correlations ( 00:30 ) 2 filesXuan Li
Coffee Break ( 00:30 )
16:00Triggered Dihadron Correlations at Sqrt(s)=39GeV ( 00:30 ) 2 filesStephen Horvat

Status of the HFT upgrade

Report from council meeting

Hydrodynamics and di-lepton productions

Heavy quakonium spectral function

Coffee break

From Confinement to Asymptotic Freedom: the Shrinking Radius of Hadrons


Naive alignment considerations

Speaker : Igor Alekseev ( ITEP )

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 00:05

A very naive model of different misalignment effects is presented.

Crossing angle vs offset at the RP

Speaker : Wlodek

Talk time : 10:40, Duration : 00:20

Results with latest alignment and crossing angle

Speaker : Kin

Talk time : 10:00, Duration : 00:40