
Hardware and Software status

The link below points to a document detailling the current (April 2006) status of the SSD hardware and software.

End of the migration


The SSD web server is now fully transferred from Lyon to BNL.
The "phototheque" for instance is now accessible.
I have change several pages but some pages may still point to the old location.

SVT/SSD Review Coordination meeting 2

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
Previous meetings listed below
  1. [node:1297]
We are planning to discuss the following items:
  • We would review the requests for data and infrastructure and the past week action items
  • We will go over the remaining technical details if any
  • I would like for the core team to read and review the document attached in [node:1502 "here"] and plots attached by Maxim (thanks) in [node:1501] so we can have a fruitful discussion on this as well.

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:30Preliminary EPOS results for Id pions ( 00:10 ) 0 filesVitaly Okorokov (MEPhI)

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:30Zibi's update ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
15:30First attempt of dN/deta scaling for proton correlations ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHania Gos (Warsaw University Of Technology, SUBATECH)
15:40further pi-Xi purity study - trying to use pi-pi HBT ( 00:10 ) 0 files

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:30QM abstract: PROTON FEMTOSCOPY IN STAR ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHania Gos (WUT, Subatech)
10:40QM abstract : Identical Meson Interferometry in STAR Experiment ( 00:10 ) 0 filesDebasish Das
10:50QGP France: "Proton-proton correlations in STAR" ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHania Gos (WUT, Subatech)
11:00Correlations due to momentum conservation ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)
11:10Resonances in low-mult. collisions with Therminator ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)
11:20SH decomposition in proton femtoscopy (the explanation of huge error bars) ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHania Gos (WUT, SUBATECH)
11:30SH decomposition in proton femtoscopy (without RC) ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHania Gos (WUT, SUBATECH)
11:40SH decomposition in proton femtoscopy (with RC- first look) ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHania Gos (WUT, SUBATECH)
11:50about error propagation in SH (appendix to Hania's study) ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
10:30Update on "resonances in low-mult. collisions with Therminator" ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)

STAR HBT phone meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
14:00Last result on pion-proton correlations ( 00:10 ) 0 filesMarcin Zawisza (WUT)
14:10pi-Xi analyses ( 00:10 ) 0 files
14:20Correlations due to momentum conservation - GenBod ( 00:10 ) 0 filesZbigniew Chajecki (OSU)

TOF pVPD and Vertex discussion

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
Only one topic, discussing the status of vertex finding and how to move forward, possibly using additional information sch as the TOF pVPD information.

Other FC short distortion measurements

I considered the possibility that other measurements might help isolate the location of the short in the TPC. So, using the Modeled distortions, I modeled the effects of adding even more compensating resistance to the end of the IFC east resistor chain. Below are the results for shorts located at ring 165.5 (between rings 165 and 166), 167.5, 169.5, ..., 179.5 as indicated for the colored curves. All plots use a 1.0cm range on the vertical scale so that they can be easily compared. I had hoped that one resistance choice or another would cause more separation between the curves, giving better resolving power between different short locations. But this dependence is small, and actually seems to decrease a little with increased compensating resistance. Remember also that the last laser is at Z of about -173cm.

Also perhaps worth noting is that the 1.0MOhm compensating resistor probably helps reduce the distortions even more than an exact 1.14MOhm would. The latter causes the distortions not to change between the short location and the central membrane, but the former actually causes the distortion to re-correct the damage done between the short location and the endcap!

Distortion on first padrow vs. Z

Gene Van Buren

documentation on the new ADC HV decoupling capacitances


During the summer 2005 shutdown, the capacitances implemented on the adc boards have been changed.

Latest updates


Information on the latest posts on the SSD web server

Major changes


Up to February 2006, the SSD web site was hosted by the French computing center in Lyon.

Web Site


These pages contain information on the SSD web site.

List of SSD experts for Run VI

For the Run 6, the SSD experts can be reached at these numbers :

Lilian MARTIN : +33 2 51 85 84 68 (lab), +33 6 88 06 45 32 (cell), +33 2 40 63 48 72 (home)

Jerome BAUDOT : +33 3 88 10 66 32 (lab), +33 6 49 19 74 42 (cell), +33 3 88 32 59 72 (home)

Modeled distortions


Modeling the Distortion

Using StMagUtilities, Jim Thomas and I were able to compare models of the distortions caused by shorts at specific rings in the IFC with the laser data. First, I'll have to say that I was wrong from my Observed laser distortions: the distortion to laser tracks does not have the largest slope at the point where the short is. Instead, it has a maximum at that point! The reason is that the z-component of the electric field due to the distortion (withouth compensating resistor) changes signs at the location of the short. So ExB also changes directions, and the TPC hits are distorted in one rPhi direction on the endcap side of the short, and in the opposite rPhi direction closer to the central membrane.

This can be seen in the following plot, where I again show the distortion to laser tracks at a radius of 60cm (approximately the first TPC padrow) versus Z in the east TPC using distored run 7076029 minus undistorted run 7061100 as red data points. Overlayed are curves for the same measure from models of a half-resistor short (actually, 1.14 MOhm short as determined by the excess current of ~240+/-10nA [a full 2MOhm short equates to 420nA difference]) located at rings 9.5, 10.5, ..., 169.5, 179.5 (there are only 182 rings).

[note: earlier plots I have shown included laser data at Z = -55cm, but I've found that the laser tracks there weren't of sufficient quality to use; I've also tried to mask off places where lasers cross over each other]

The above plot points towards a short which is located somewhere among rings 165-180 (Z < -190cm). As the previous years' shorted rings were rings 169 and 170 ( = short at ring 169.5), it seems highly likely that the present short is in the same place. More detail can be seen by looking at the actual laser hits. The first listed attached file shows the laser hits as a function of radius for lasers at several locations in Z. The dark blue line is a simple second order polynomial fit I used to obtain the magnitude of the distortion at radius 60cm, which I used in the above plot. The magenta line is the model of the half-resistor short at ring 169.5, and the light blue line is the same for ring 179.5 (the bottom two curves on the above plot). Either curve seems to match the radial dependence fairly well.

Further refinement can be achieved by modeling the exact resistor chain. We have a permanent short at ring 169.5 (rings 169 and 170 have been tied together), and have replaced the two 2MOhm resistors between 168-169 and 170-171 with two 3MOhm resistors (see the attached photo of the repair, with arrows pointing to candidate locations for shorts via drops of silver epoxy). So it is more likely that we have a 1.14MOhm short on one of these two 3 MOhm resistors. The three curves in this next plot are:

  • red: 1.14MOhm short on a 3MOhm resistor at 168.5, full short at 169.5, 3MOhm resistor at 170.5
  • green: 1.14MOhm short on a 2MOhm resistor at 169.5, normal 2.0MOhm resistors at 168.5 and 170.5
  • blue: 3MOhm resistor at 168.5, full short at 169.5, 1.14MOhm short on a3MOhm resistor at 170.5
The difference between the curves does not come from the fact that we have treated the 3MOhm resistors properly (that difference is less than 5 microns in distortions, and only in a small region near the short! shown here), but rather from the movement of the effective short from location 168.5 to 169.5 to 170.5. From a visual inspection (not a fit), it appears that the blue curve is the best match to the data:

We can also take a look at the data with the resistor in. Here is the same plot as before with a 1.14MOhm short at the same locations, but with an additional compensating resistor of 1.0MOhm. The fact that all the data points are below zero points again towards a short near the very end of the resistor chain, preferring a location of perhaps 177.5 over shorts near ring 170. These plots do not include the use of the 3MOhm resistors, but that difference is below the resolution presented here.

Zoom in with finer granularity between rings (every other ring short shown):

The second listed attached file shows the laser hits as a function of radius for lasers at several locations in Z for the case of the resistor in, again with magenta and blue curves for the model with shorts at ring 169.5 and 179.5 respectively.

Applying the Correction

I tried running reconstruction on the lasers using the distortion corrections for the 1.14MOhm short at three locations: 170.5 and 171.5 (two possible spots indicated in Alexei's repair photo), and 175.5 (closer to what the with-resistor data pointed to). The results are in the following plots. The conclusion is that the 175.5 location seems to do pretty well at correcting the data, slightly better than the 170.5 and 171.5 locations, for both with and without compensating resistor. For this reason (the laser data), we will proceed with FastOffline using a short at 175.5, even though we have no strong reasons outside the laser data to suspect that the short is anywhere other than the rings 168-172 area where the fix was made.


Gene Van Buren

Observed laser distortions


First look

The first listed attached file was my initial look at distortions to laser tracks in the TPC (not that it is upside down from subsequent plots as I accidentally took the non-distorted minus the distorted here). These are radial tracks, and the plots are off the difference between run 7068057 (with excess current) and 7061100 (without excess current). Also, run 7068057 was taken with collisions ongoing, so there is some SpaceCharge effect as well (7061100 was taken without beam). I believe this explains the rotation of the tracks at low positive z (west side).

Second look: dedicated runs

On March 17, we took a couple laser runs without and with a compensating resistor to get the IFC east current at least approximately correct. I plotted 1/p of laser tracks and took the profile. Straight tracks give very low curvature = low 1/p. The distortion brings up the curvature, as can be seen in the IFC east without resistor. The same plot also shows large error bars for the negatively charged laser tracks because there aren't many: the curvature tends to bring them positive. The IFC west shows the appropriately low level without any distortion, but the timing on the west lasers was wrong, so they are not reconstructed where they are supposed to be in Z. I am uncertain whether this bears any relation to the odd behavior of the first laser on the west side (showing up here at Z of about +67cm). The IFC East plot for the no-compensating-resistor run also shows that 1/p begins to drop somewhere around Z of about -100cm. The short would be located where the largest slope occurs in this plot (because the distortion to tracks is an integral of the distortion in the field, and the short is where the field distortions are largest), but the data isn't strong enough to pin this down very well. The negative tracks indicate a short between the lasers at -145cm and -115cm. But the seemingly better quality positive tracks are less definitive on a location as the slope appears to get stronger at more negative Z, implying a short which is at Z beyond -170cm.

No compensating resistor (run 7076029):

With 1 MOhm compensating resistor (run 7076032), which brings IFC east current to correct value within ~20 nAmps, according to 10:27am 2006-03-17 entry in Electronic ShiftLog:

Again, I looked at the distortion as seen be comparing TPC hits from the distorted runs to those from an undistorted run as I did at the beginning of this page (but this time taking distorted minus undistorted). For the undistored, I again have only run 7061100 to work with as a reference. The plots for each Z are in the second listed attached file below, where the top 6 plots are for the no-compensating-resistor run (7076029), and the bottom 6 are the same ones with the resistor in. I also put on the plots the value of the difference from a simple fit (meant only to extract an approximate magnitude) at a radius of 60cm (approximately the first TPC pad row). Those values are also presented in the following plot as a function of Z, confirming the improvement of the distortion with the resistor in place.

These plots seem to point at a short which is occurring somewhere between the lasers at Z = -145 and -115cm.

Gene Van Buren

Excess current seen in 2006


The attached powerpoint file from Blair has plots of the excess current seen in the IFC East for 2006.

Field Cage Shorts


This page is for information regarding shorts or current anomalies in the TPC field cages.