
2009.05.31 CIPANP 2009 photon-jet presentation

CIPANP 2009 presentation on photon-jet study

"Photon-jet coincidence measurements
in polarized pp collisions at sqrt{s}=200GeV

2009.08.24 Test of corrected EEMC geometry

Test of corrected EEMC geometry (bug 1618)

Monte-Carlo setup:

05 May

May 2009 posts


2009.05.07 Photon-jets analysis with the Endcap Calorimeter

Photon-jets with the Endcap Calorimeter

(analysis status update for Spin PWG)

Slides in pdf format:

2009.05.06 Applying cuts on LDA: request minimum purity or efficiency

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

For this post LDA input parameters Set4 has been used

2009.05.04 LDA: More SMD info, 3x3 tower energy, correlation matrix

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

2009.05.03 LDA: varying pt and eta cut

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

2009.04.28 LDA plus SMD analysis with pre-shower sorting

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

Photon reconstruction

Phana group meetings

2009.04.21 Adding SMD info to the LDA

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

2009.04.17 WSU nuclear seminar

The STAR spin program with longitudinally polarized proton beams

04 Apr

April 2009 posts

2009.03.26 Endcap photon-jet update at the STAR Collaboration meeting

Endcap photon-jet update at the STAR Collaboration meeting

2009.03.09 Application of the LDA and MLP classifiers for the cut optimization

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA and MLP (neural network) classifiers

ROOT implementation for LDA and MLP:

03 Mar

March 2009 posts


l2-gamma EEMC monitoring

Instructions on how to produce eemc-l2-gamma monitoring plots by hands

  • Get l2 software
    Currently copied from ~rcorliss/l2/official-2009a

2009.02.19 Photon-jet analysis status update for Spin PWG

Photon-jet analysis status update for Spin PWG (February 19, 2009)

2009.02.16 pt_jet>5GeV: pre-shower sorting with new normalization

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 16, 2009

CIPANP 2009 abstract on photon-jet measurement

CIPANP 2009 abstract on photon-jet study

"Photon-jet coincidence measurements
in polarized pp collisions at sqrt{s}=200GeV

QM2009 poster abstracts on Parity violation


QM2009 poster abstracts on Parity violation at STAR

  1. Poster 1