
Photon-jet simulation request

Simulation needs with y2006/y2009 geometry
specific to the photon-jet analysis

* Update version of the previous simulation
request from December 18, 2008 (see Ref. [1])

5:2009/2/DEC: Updated HF priority list


2.DEC. 2009

HF embedding priority list for PWGC discussion

1) Upsilon in pp 2006 (done)

2009.12.01 BEMC 1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 3x3 clustering

Monte-Carlo setup:

12 Dec

December 2009 posts

GPC comments to v2.0 of Pion HBT paper and responses


From Michal Sumbera [5 Aug 2009]:

Joint CATHIE/TECHQM Workshop, December 14-18, 2009


Ilya Selyuzhenkov for the STAR Collaboration

4: 2009/24/NOV: Gamma in AuAu200 (2007) request


Primary contact: Bertrand Biritz


2009.11.23 New EEMC geometry (CVS v6.1): y2006 vs. y2009 STAR configurations

Monte-Carlo setup:

2009.11.19 LOW_EM and EEMC time/event in starsim

Monte-Carlo setup:

2009.11.17 BEMC sampling fraction: energy dependence

Monte-Carlo setup:

2009.11.16 Tests of EEMC geometry, version 6.1: lead vs. mixture

Monte-Carlo setup:


2009.11.11 Tests of EEMC geometry, version 6.1

Monte-Carlo setup:

2009.11.10 BEMC sampling fraction and clustering

Monte-Carlo setup:

3:2009/9/NOV Upsilon in dAu 200 request


Primary contact: Haidong Liu
d+Au 200 GeV (year 2008)
fast stream data st_upsilon

2: 2009/9/NOV Suggested HF Embedding Priority list



HF embedding priority list for PWGC discussion

1) Upsilon in pp 2006 (done)
2) D0/D0bar in CuCu 2005

1: 2009/26/OCT HF Embeding List


Draft of current 26.10.2009 HF open issues based on collab. meeting LBNL

Electron/Pi0/Gamma/Eta in dAu2008    open

2009.11.06 new EEMC geometry: Pure lead and new SMD layers

Monte-Carlo setup:


3 November 2009

Very brief meeting, everyone still working on understanding geometry.

2009.11.03 Jason EEMC geometry: Effect of ELED block change

Monte-Carlo setup: