
Graduate Student Theses

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Concerning the High Mass Tail on the Pion Peak

At the PWG meeting a few weeks ago, people expressed concerns about the high-mass tail from the pion peak that, for higher PT bins, is underestimated by the pion peak simulation.

Data MC comparison

 Data and MC comparison for pion mass peak position..


Comparison with Other Results

Below you will find comparisons of the Run 6 cross section with recent Phenix results and the STAR Run 5 final result.  The lower panel is the statistical error on the Run 6 points.

1) L2Result Offsets


Every algorithm has the opportunity to write out a small report into the L2Result array after each decision().


Time Dependency in STAR Detector Gains



Use this page to hold drafts for Run 10-11 BUR written during May of 2009

03 correlated, small ADC spikes in BSMD (Jan)


Study of small ADC spikes in BSMD 


02 offline QA of BSMD pp 500, ver1 (Willie+Jan)


 BSMD QA algorithm and results for pp 500, tune optimized for high energy  energy response

FileCatalog DB performance study


FileCatalog DB is ~ 30% READ / 70% WRITE database. Spiders frequently update file locations (on local disks),  new files constantly appear during Run period etc..

07 BTOW status tables ver 1, uploaded to DB, pp 500


 BTOW status tables for 39 RHIC fills have been determined (see previous entry) and uploaded to DB.

MySQL Performance Tuning


MySQL performance tuning

Primary purpose:

How-To: user section


Useful database tips and tricks, which could be useful for STAR activities, are stored in this section.

DELETE - Run 9 BSMD Status Update 4 (4/27)


After further investigations -- specifically looking at strips that had a significant secondary peak, entirely separated from the main peak, with a max of ~40, which were not being caught by my cut

dAu200 (2008) SpaceCharge calibration quality check


 The improved SpaceCharge calibration from August 2008 was used in the P08ie productions of Run 8 dAu data.

06 comparison of BTOW status bits L2ped vs. L2W , pp 500 (jan)


 Comparison of BTOW status tables generated based on minB spectra collected by L2ped ( conventional method) vs.


Topics coverred:

Collaboration Meeting Presentation and wrap up.

 Attached is the presentation I gave at the collaboration meeting in late March.

01 Status of BSMDE,P at the end of pp 500 GeV run, April of 2009


Summary of BSMD performance on April 6.