TOF On-call expert


Last updated: February 8th 2010


TOF on-call expert for this week:Lijuan Ruan, Yi Zhou, Geary Eppley and Jo Schambach


Expert information is also below:

Today through Thursday (Feb 09-Feb 11th):
Feb 12th 0:30-7:30 shift is included.
Lijuan Ruan: 510-637-8691 (cell)
I will leave for APS meeting on Friday morning.

Friday-Saturday (Feb 12th - 13th):
Feb 14th 0:30-7:30 shift is included.
Yi Zhou: 631-344-1014 (apt #), 631-344-7635 (office).

Sunday-Monday (Feb 14th-15th):
Feb 16th 0:30-7:30 shift is included.
Geary Eppley: 713-628-2738 (cell)

Jo will arrive on the night of Feb 15 th, so for Feb 16th shift, please call
Jo Schambach: 631-344-1042 (Apt #) for help.


For all TOF alarms, leave a note in the shift log. Additional actions:


  1. Gas alarm on FM2, which is for iso-butane gas.
    When it's cold, the pressure on FM2 will be changed, this will lead to the flow of isobutene dropping, thus give us alarms. In this case, no need to call expert. We expect isobutene to run out sometime in Feb.


  2. Temperature alarms on the LV powersupply, no need to call expert.


  3. Electronic errors or bunchid errors with electronic errors
    Stop the run and determine which tray has the issue (there might be a yellow LV current alarm). Turn the LV off, wait 10 seconds and then turn the LV on again. After waiting 10 seconds click the red 3 button in the Anaconda window, the tray status should turn green. Start a new run - if the problem isn't fixed then call the expert.


  4. Yellow alarm at LV poweruspply associated with a tray.
    First, check TOF QA plots and look for electronic errors or bunchid with electronic errors. If there are then follow step 3, otherwise don't call but make a note in the shift log.


  5. Missing tray on online plots, call expert.


  6. If you see the LV off, the dots are blue. (In the normal situation, the dots are green, indicating the LVs are on), please call expert.


  7. In the TOF_MON GUI:
    1. If you see red errors, stop and restart run. If error doesn't get cleared by this, call expert.
    2. If you see yellow alarms, no need to call experts.
    3. If it is grey alarm, call the expert.


  8. TOF HV slow control lost communication, please leave a note in the shift log, and follow the procedure in the trouble shooting of HV manual to fix it. Call expert for help in case you do not fix the problem.