STAR Theses

Found (367) STAR Theses
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List of STAR Theses
Navneet Kumar Pruthi, Panjab University
Study of elliptic flow in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC energies.
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Mriganka Mondal, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre. Kolkata
Particle Production in pp and Heavy Ion Collisions from #sqrt{s_NN} = 200 GeV to 5.5 TeV
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Xiaofeng Luo, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
Higher Moments of Event-by-Event Net-proton Multiplicity Distributions in Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collision
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 (English) | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Matthew Walker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dijet production in polarized proton-proton collisions at [the square root of s] = 200 GeV
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s): 

Michal Sloboda, Nuclear Physics Institute, The Czech Academy of Sciences
Study of di-hadron correlations in d+Au collisions in the STAR experiment
Masters thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Jiayun Chen, Central China Normal University
Directed Flow at STAR
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Leonard Eun, Pennsylvania State University
Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries and Cross-Sections for Forward π 0 and η Mesons at Large xF in √ s = 200 GeV p ↑ + p Collisions at STAR
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Anders Knospe, Yale University
Yield and suppression of electrons from open heavy-flavor decays in heavy-ion collisions
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Daniel Kikola, Warsaw University of Technology
Hidden charm production in the relativistic heavy ion collisions registered in the STAR experiment
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF

Wei Li, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics
Azimuthal correlation between non-photonic electrons and charged hadrons at RHIC-STAR experiment and simulation of dihadron azimuthal correlation
Ph.D. thesis, 2011 () | Thesis file(s):  PDF