Recent posts

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Conference talkProbing the Phase Transition with Proton Fluctuations in BES-I sesumi01 year 5 days ago
Blog entryPresentations xchu01 year 5 days ago
Blog entryPaper draft ctsang01 year 5 days ago
Conference talkSearch for the Chiral Magnetic Effects Using Event Shape Selection in BES-II sesumi01 year 5 days ago
Conference talkv1 and v3 of identified hadrons and light nuclei for FXT energies sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkanisotropic flow of strange and multi-strange hadrons in BES-II sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkElliptic and Triangular Flow of Light Nuclei in BES-II sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkcharge dependent directed flow of pi/K/p in BES-II sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkTriangular Flow for sqrt(sNN) = 3.0 to 3.9 GeV sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkMeasurement of directed flow with EPD at 19.6 GeV sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Blog entryOO flow for QM2023 slhuang01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkQA summary on the BES-II datasets sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkEnergy and Mass Dependence of Hyper-Nuclei Collectivity in Au+Au Collisions sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Blog entryFCV PWG Workshop 2023 jhan101 year 6 days ago
Conference talkstrange hadrons v2 measurements at 7.7-19.6 GeV sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkDirected flow measurements of Hypernuclei at FXT mode sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkRecent activities in the QA board sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkGlobal polarization of Xi hyperons sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Conference talkv1/v2 measurement at 3-3.9 GeV (FXT) and v1 measurement at 7.7-19.6 GeV (COLL) sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Blog entrySTAR Workshop_FXT_v1v2_COLL_v1 liuzw01 year 6 days ago
Blog entryGPC357 code qa kshen01 year 6 days ago
Conference talk v1 and v3 of light nuclei in Au+Au collisions at 3 GeV over large rapidity sesumi01 year 6 days ago
Blog entryphi_ybin_invariant_mass_spectra weiguangyuan101 year 6 days ago
Blog entryphi_invariant_mass_spectra weiguangyuan101 year 6 days ago
Blog entryDing Chen for BES-II workshop towards QM2023 dchen01 year 6 days ago