Recent posts

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Meeting talkUpdate on 4-momentum conservation fit chajecki017 years 40 weeks ago
Meeting talkpion purity Y2 Au200 hbtuser017 years 40 weeks ago
Meeting talkKaon Proton fit range study kisiel017 years 40 weeks ago
Book page2005 potekhin017 years 40 weeks ago
Meeting talkSSD embedding, progress report testadmin017 years 40 weeks ago
Meeting talkXrootd status, activities and remaining problems pjakl017 years 40 weeks ago
MeetingSoftware and Computing phone meeting jeromel017 years 40 weeks ago
Meeting talkAOB testadmin017 years 40 weeks ago
Meeting talkProduction status for QM06, status testadmin017 years 40 weeks ago
Meeting talkSimulation recent developments testadmin017 years 40 weeks ago
MeetingSoftware and Computing phone meeting jeromel117 years 40 weeks ago
Book pageSTARSIM potekhin017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkPresent and projected online, offline, calibration needs (manpower and resources) jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkSTAR TPC distorions - Correction Efforts jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkCoffee Break jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkPlanned FEE and DAQ1000 upgrades jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkPotential hardware improvements, related R&D and associated risk jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkTPC Distortions: present tracking performance jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkDetector aging jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkPresent and projected operational support, Management overview jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkInfrastructure Aging (gas, cooling, lasers, gated grid) jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
ConferenceSTAR TPC Review jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkExpected evolution of RHIC luminosity for p+p,p+A, and A+A collisions; implications for track loading, and pile up (projections) jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkTPC pileup: present level of pileup and projected, increase in RHIC-II era, existing strategies jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago
Conference talkDiscussion and questions for presenters jeromel017 years 41 weeks ago