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Tamis Hard Probes PWG Update 7/28/23


Tamis Hard Probes PWG Update 7/29/23


Tamis Hard Probes PWG Update 7/29/23




QA monitoring plots

 Here you can find them:

How to get there:

QA monitoring plots

 Here you can find them:

How to get there:

Baseline studies for baryon-strangeness correlations for Au+Au 200GeV collisions


3p85GeV_fixedTarget, 2019, primary vertex and TPC t0 problems


Neff CF Meeting 7/27/23


Photon and Neutral Pion Discrimination in Singe Particle Simulations Presentation by Iain Morton

Attached to this Blog post is the slides for Iain Morton's presentation to the Hard Probes group on 07/27/23. It details his work during his Summer REU at Texas A&M University.