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BES-I General Check (acceptance)

This page saves the booklets for BES-I data set.
For 14.5 and 54.4 GeV, no file lists found.


Fast Offline QA for Run 23 Au+Au 200 GeV TofMult cuts




PWGC paper preview on jet acoplanarity paper


Femtoscopy of unlike sign pi-pi & K-K pairs with Au-Au, 200 GeV, run 2014


Femtoscopy of unlike sign pi-pi & K-K pairs with Au-Au, 200 GeV, run 2014


Systematic studies for baryon-strangeness correlations in Au+Au 200 GeV collisions


Looking into event-by-event T0 in FXT

My initial findings on this urgent topic using prompt hits in 5000 events from Run 19 3.85 GeV FXT....
  • Irakli's calibration of dependence on EPD max TAC (earlier time hit) may be roughl

Preliminary approval for v1 for identified hadrons and light nuclei for fixed target energies

This page contains the preliminary approval requested plots and presentation for the directed flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei for fixed target energies at RHIC-STAR