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HFE analysis at √sNN = 54.4 GeV at STAR

Cuts opt


2019 3p2 GeV and 7p7 GeV efficiency compare

Please see details in the pdf file.
All plot can be found in the zip file. 


Run 23 initial BeamLine calibration

Made using data from day 143, with zero SpaceCharge distortion corrections.


Dihadron azimuthal correlation asymmetry and unpolarized cross section: Paper Proposal Draft


Target Journal: Physics Review D 






Second EPD Timing Scan of Run 23

In our first timing scan of this run, we found the optimum timing labels for the EPD QTs.  H


Fast offline QA Au+Au@200GeV (run2023)

Regular QA
Trigger: 900001 and 900001+40+41
Vz cut: -145., 145.
XYSqr cut: 2.
NHits cut: 10, 1e6
P cut: 0., 100.
Pt cut: 0.15, 1.45