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Threshold for QTB

NOTE: Some of the fits are broken, but I don't think they have big influence on the results.

Hard Probes PWG QABoard Update 5/26/23


Hard Probes PWG QABoard Update 5/26/23


Run-by-run QA


Timing scan 2023

Based on : 

Preliminary request for p+Au 200 GeV, dijet AJ

Please find attached the preliminary figure, .pdf and .png, for IS2023 for the dijet AJ figure.

Preliminary request for p+Au 200 GeV, dijet AJ

ePIC COTS Digitizer R&D From AUGUST 2022 Presentation

Here I have the first captures from the Texas Instruments ADS52J90


ePIC Detector Electronics: Multichannel Digitizer Presentation from AUGUST 2022

Multichannel SiPM Multichannel Digitizer Presentation from 2022

K+K+ correlation functions in Au+Au collisions at 3.2 GeV