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The Methods of transferring data(by globus) between servers for the New Embedding Helper

 One of EH's duties is generating the MC data for embedding requests.

Baryon and Meson Ratios in Jets from Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV -- Analysis update Jan 26, 2023


Baryon Stopping analysis

  decrepitated. Use instead

Run 20 EPD Calibrations for 5.75 GeV FXT (sNN 3.5 GeV)

One run has been identified with tiles that may have had stuck bits. They had very large spikes at only one particular ADC value.

Prelim Request for Study of Chiral Magnetic Effect in Isobaric collisions at 200 GeV at STAR using SDM


v2 splitting at 27 GeV


Moriond 2023


Isobar background baseline estimate, update for Dg/v2


azimuthal HBT on AuAu 7.7-14.5 GeV
