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Run 20 EPD Calibrations for 7.3 GeV FXT (sNN 3.9 GeV)

Three runs have been identified with tiles that may have had stuck bits. They had very large spikes at only one particular ADC value.

Isobar nonflow background estimate, update


Update on “Study of Chiral Magnetic Effect in Isobaric collisions at sNN = 200 GeV at STAR using SDM"


Updates of hypernuclei directed flow


Au+Au 7.7 GeV Hypernuclei production


Vz bin dependence of k* (without merged tracks)/k* ratio _ D0-hadron femtoscopic correlation at Au+Au@200GeV


Slides for update for p+Au jet analysis, many final figures

ESE delta gamma in Au+Au collisions


HFE at 54.4GeV, Jan19,2023

 Presentation for HP PWG meeting

FST Winter Re-installation (January 14-26, 2023)

This blog is dedicated to the work performed by the FST group in January 2023 for the re-installation of the FST detector.