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The following plot shows the Track Multiplicity for the defined Max Jet Region for each of the different partonic pT. The combined partonic is shown in the bottom right plot.

Characterizing the new state of strongly interacting quark-gluon matter discovered at RHIC

General talks.

2006 Simulation Timestamp


Hadronization/Underlying Event Systematic for 2005+2006 jet aLL Part I

The Hadronization and Underlying Event Systematic aims to estimate the change in jet pT scale due to the underlying event (UE) and out-of-cone (O

Optimization of cluter size for gamma ID in the endcap

Abstract:  We compare four different cluster sizes (3x3, 2x2, 2x1 and Ahmed's high-tower/2x1 scheme) in the endcap.  Monte Carlo simulation indicates that Ahmed's scheme provides the be

Local Polarimetry using the ZDC SMD

 Analysis of ZDC SMD data shows that it may be used as a local polarimeter is presented in the attached report.

Summary for 2008-07-09 Phana Meeting

 The contents of the .pdf have changed from when I first posted it. (12:53pm)  The larger of the two files (if there are two visible) is the correct one.

Comparison of 2x1 clusters to 3x3 clusters

0. Run 7136022, EEmc L2gamma triggers
1. Find the leading SMD point in the gamma candidate
2. Identify the two towers which are closest to the SMD point

Effect of Single Event in 2006 Trigger Bias


test production P08ic 2007MinBias

 Look at the test production 2007 MinBias 

I analyzed 500 files (over 2295 files available) ; the same cuts are applied than for 2007LowLuminosity test production