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Azimuthal Partition Methodology Update 9/22/22


Tong Liu's HP-PWG updates


Net charges in isobar collisions




EPD Calibration for Run20 11p5 GeV Au+Au


Bad tiles:

New event structure for run17 analysis

Fit dY with cosines

 1. Copy /net/l409/home/ctsang/FitCosine.C to a directory where ROOT will search there for macros.
 2. cd into directory with MuTcpG.root.

Nucleon+nucleon Inelastic Cross Sections for FXT

 The attached PDF describes the nn-inelastic cross sections to use at new fixed-target energies and their uncertainties.

Nucleon+nucleon Inelastic Cross Sections for FXT

 The attached PDF describes the nn-inelastic cross sections to use at new fixed-target energies and their uncertainties.

Update on measurements of polarizing FFs in run15 data-gty-2022.09.14 callabration meeting