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FSTAR LED control software update


  Control software updated to: led_sok3


sTGC noise threshold analysis

Recent progress on 14p6GeV high moments analysis


Weekly Meeting (Jan 25th, 2022)

  - Xilin: FMS simulation update 

Weekly Meeting (Jan 25th, 2022)

  - Minghui: fps/fpost calibration improvement.

FCS Ecal pi0 tower by tower fit for run22 data

 - Data set: MuDst from FCS test run 23007067 , 23007068, 23007069, 23007075, 23007076 (fcsGainCalibration)

Isobar embedding QA plots


Correlation between Lambda and CME, PWGC preview


Correlation between Lambda and CME, Webpage

Title: Event-by-event correlations between Λ (anti-Λ) hyperon global polarization and handedness with charged hadron azimuthal separation in Au+Au coll
