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Weekly Meeting (Dec 14th, 2021)

  - Minghui: I'd like to discuss simulation

gA 54 GeV AuAu


EPD Bias Scan Dec 2021

The bias scan procedure has been discussed in 2018 at

LongPaper: Light Nuclei Production in Au+Au Collisions at 3 GeV from STAR experiment

EPD Timing Scan Dec 2021

The timing scan procedure was developed a few years ago.  It is described in detail at



STAR shift 2022, call list when there is collision, from Jaroslav Adam's email to star-ops


Run 22 EPD issues

Executive Summary

code QA for Collins paper (psn0782)

 Attach are the code QA result for Collins paper from Xilin.

run15 plots (GPC meeting Dec 09)


 test entry with attachement