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DNP APS 2021 Abstract


Collaboration Meeting Slides -- March 2nd, 2021

Slides for the JetCorr parallel session of the March 2021 Collaboration Meeting.

JetCorr Update [06.24.2021]

Slides for the weekly JetCorr meeting on June 24th, 2021.

Analysis Meeting 06 2021

NPE-h Correlation Update




Azimuthal Partition Analysis Update CF pwg 6/24/21


sTGC shipment photo at BNL

 2nd shipment,6/23/2021, station 18 & 21

sTGC shipment photo at BNL

 2nd shipment,6/23/2021, station 18 & 21

dE/dx from express production 3p85GeV_fixedTarget 2021