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Update of v1 splitting in Zr+Zr collisions


Run 21 EPD Calibrations for O+O Days 131 to 134

NOTE: This includes days 131, 133, and 134. In the file "ADCDelta_131_134.pdf" day 131 is actually listed as 132 on the x-axis.

Weekly Meeting (June 22nd, 2021)

 - Xiaoxuan: mass distribution 
 - Minghui: basic QA
 - Xilin: diffractive process A_N motivation study

lf pwg 20210621 raw signal in isobar


First Look at the HCal MIP peak for production_FF_OO_200GeV_2021 data set

First look at the HCal MIP peak for production_FF_OO_200GeV_2021 data  with ECal open and HCal closed.

Correlation between the STAR main magnet current and Ks0 mass for 2021 7p7 GeV and 17p3 GeV data

I have revisited
for Run 2021

vertex issue in 7.2GeV H3L embedding

vertex issue in 7.2GeV H3L embedding

Isobar raw yield

