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Strange Baryon Directed Flow at sqrt(s) = 14.5 GeV

 Attached is my presentation of strange baryon directed flow at 14.5 GeV, to be given at the FCV meeting on October 25, 2023.

My conference slides


Tof Update Fall 2023

 This post currently contains the slides from my update in the Cold QCD parallel session. More details will be add in the coming week.

October 2023 Collaboration Meeting: Update on run15 pp200 FF Unfolding Using Omnifold




2023-10-24 centrality meeting slides


October 2023 Collaboration Meeting: Update on Particle Identification for 2015 pAu200 Collins Analysis


run17 dijet Sivers analysis, collaboration meeting, October, 2023


EPD Interconnect


The following documents detail the interconnect between the TUFF box control and power to FEE box:

Measurements of Proton-Xi correlation function at 200 GeV (Au+Au and Isobar)

This blog is a tracking blog of 'Measurements of Proton-Xi correlation function at 200 GeV in Au+Au and Isobar Collisions'

PWG Presentration: