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Talk links

A list of links for convienience.

φ-meson Global Spin Alignment Step-by-Step Analysis Details


This blog page is dedicated to the φ-meson global spin alignment analysis for 14.6 and 19.6 GeV. We will include several plots for the various steps of this analysis.

flow fluctuation in U+U and Au+Au collisions

These are very old results. Some of them were published by others without warning...Shame on such non-scientific behavior... 

Preliminary results shown on SPIN2023


HP-pwg Run24 trigger discussion pp and pA

STAR Collaboration meeting, 17 Oct 2023, presentation - Cairo, Egypt



Embedding QA Real-RC Comparison


BES-II net-proton cumulants my collection set III

 Latest posts:

>> 18.07.2024, Thu

paper status (presenting on CF-PWG)

D0-hadron femtoscopy update in Collaboration meeting October 2023


Information to join STAR, GXNU