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presentation for XXIII Baldin ISHEPP

Hot Quarks 2016 talk - Upsilon production in heavy ion collisions

v1 : initial for pwg review
v2 : Rongrong's comments addressed
v3 : after NPI rehearsal and Zhenyu's comments
v4 : out to startalks, Rongrong's comment addressed

MWPC presentation on Sep review


QM17 poster abstract

Follow-up to pion ID comments

Deviations between the Bichsel expectations and dE/dx peaks:

Run 15 QA for PWG - Sep 1



 QM2017 abstract
version 1.0 :


diffraction 2016 presentation (for star-talks)

dE/dx calibration 2016 AuAu200 Progress report

 1. The dE/dx resolution does look reasonable, but
 2. still there are strange dependences on pad row and Z.  

Run12 Inclusive Jet A_LL -- with UE correction