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QM2017 abstract

Current version:

Title: Global polarization of Lambda hyperons in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC BES

Polarization for 574runs data

Estimation of Polarization for Transvers Spin Transfer Analysis
574 runs of run12_PP200 

Refreshed plots for Diffraction 2016

Run12 Simulation: Final Jet QA


IFF @ 500GeV Particle ID

measurement of flow with event shape engineering


Trigger by trigger study at Run11 for C6 and comparison with Run10 results


Run 16 200 GeV Au+Au Hit Errors (June 13th -- July 3rd)

DAQ file used: st_sst_17175043_raw_5500037.daq

Run 16 200 GeV Au+Au Hit Errors (Jan. 4th -- May 15th)

DAQ file used: st_physics_17105042_raw_3500016.daq