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MTD 300ns issue

FPS gains / MIP peaks in online monitoring

Gain matching FPS in 2017

We tried to gain match the SiPM gains such that the MIP peak would sit at 100 ADC counts.

FMS Trigger Ran away at 5am, March 24th. Why? Resulting corrupution in FPS/QT

 At about 5am March 24th the FMS-DiBS trigger started to run away resulting in ~6khz daq rates...

Run14 HFT D0 check


FPS corruption

 I've added checking on every event for FPS 65536 bunch crossing wrap around in the event builders:

Currently, any errors go to /RTS/log/evb.log

NHitsPoss systematics

 Victor noted that NHitsPoss (number of hits possible on a track) is incorrectly calculated.

HF-PWG minutes 2017/03/23

HF Weekly Meeting 03/23 - Upsilon di-electron analysis in BHT2 AuAu14


TDCs in Run 15 as possible top-bottom asymmetry causes

 TDC Distributions gives the presentation for the Mar 23, 2017 FMS meeting, with TDCGraphAll showing plots when I don't require any "words" in the analysis.

Run 12 Runset-Dependent Mass Cuts

Because mass peak drifts up as a function of run number for (viz.) small cells, I've decided to implement a runset-depenent mass cut for 6 energy bins.