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run14 AuAu200GeV Dpm check


Diffraction 2016 abstract

Resent results on Central Exclusive Production(CEP) from the STAR experiment
at the RHIC in AuAu collisions.

Run12 pp500 Pre- and Post-shower Gains Over Time

Pion Gun


3He production at BES energies

FMS Run 15 QA (p+p 200 GeV)

Basic QA
transverse polarization: runs 16066033-16093018
longitudinal polarization: runs 16093061-16100070

FMS triggers

EPD materials

Really just a list, with links, to materials used in the EPD.  The construction proposal is attached below, as well.

Plate 1 Layout

On Monday July 18, 2016.

Today the PSU shop ran the computer controlled tool with a file for hole positions that we provided.
They  driledl and tapped 112 holes

STAR council meeting at OSU meeting


Lepton analysis tree request for PWG disk lease