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Pedestal per channel

I plots the pedestal value for each channel as a function of fill number, and we have a list of all the channeles that have RMS value above 60.

ADC plots for FGT APV chips

FGT has 6 disks where each disk has 40 APV chips and each chip has 128 channels.

HF-PWG minutes 2016/03/24

 1) Takahito presented the plan towards sQM for talk on the MTD related analysis using full Run14 statistics. The major request is to produce embedding sample for J/psi across the full data set.

Energy Ratio Shape Explaination

On the modfied energy graph from the previous page there was noted a distinct shape in the ratio of reconstructed to thrown energy.

Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV BEMC bug in picoDst


Run12 pp500 Rate


Run 13 Comparison to Run 12


Run 15 200 GeV p+Al Hit Errors

DAQ file used:  st_physics_16169053_raw_2000059.daq

Bulkcorr, J/psi v2


BulkCorr Polarization systematic errors

Discussion on systematic errors for BulkCorr 3/23/16 meeting.