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Strict Eta Cut Reproduction

 Comparison of dijet quantities using the two different eta cut criteria ...

A look on Run16 Au+Au 200 GeV space charge

Lumonisity has been kept approximately constant throughout fills in run16. We were wondering if the space charge has a strong intensity depedence. 

Run 9 Pi0: Embedding Real Comparison


Run 9 Pi0: Partonic pT cut on Embedding


Software and Computing : Helpful tips to use pdsf @ nersc server

 Helpful tips to use pdsf @ nersc server


Jul26., 2016
Almost finished version.


Files : Locations / how to run /

[run in stardev]

Back to Run 15 Abort Gap background and East BBC dependence


Vertex Matching in Run12 pp500 Embedding

In order to test the performance of the PPV with default parameters (nFit/nPoss = 0.7 and dcaR < 3), I produced a small test sample of 200 events in each of four partonic pT bins for three groups o

DIS 2016 W AL / Cross-section presentation

DIS 2016 W AL / Cross-section ratio presentation: