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UUFemtoscopy Update - First Look at Comparison with ultra-central Au+Au


BulkCorr polarization systematics with lambda topology cuts

Run 13 BEMC Calibration - Summary Report [STAR run 2013 pp510 GeV BEMC Calibration]

STAR run 2013 pp510 GeV BEMC Calibration



D0 reco


B meson v2

基本想法就是用已经测量到的D meson的pt spectra和D meson的v2来抽样,得到有D meson衰变出来的electron的v2,在利用测量的NPE的v2 来提取出来自B介子的v2. 

GPC Comments 1 / Diffractive Photoproduction of rho mesons

Run 15 Spin QA Update 4

 This post covers the Run 15 spin QA for the final period, the initial pp longituduinal runs. Of particular note here is that the spin rotators were configured incorrectly for this period.

FGT current leakage test


Pixel simulation

 I made a very very simpistic simulation of pxl ladder response in case frastart are shifted. Please see the contribution added here

Mapping run 13