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updates to HFT-CA codes

GOAL : modified codes to work in a (more) stable library -> revert to starnew (SL15i, new compiler gcc 4.8.2)

FXT Femtoscopy


D triggered correlations in p+p 500GeV


QM15 poster - NPE in central U+U collisions

Quark Matter 2015 presentation preparation

 All the previous  bulkcor presentations can be found from the link below:

Run12 pp200 BEMC Calibration Triggering Truth Table


PWG Update: Simulation Tune Selection

 Two presenations below contain:


Run 13 BEMC Calibration : Why very forward two eta rings have systematically low E/P

We have observed that outter most 2 eta rings-(both side) have significantly low E/P values than all the other rings.

[add mean E/P vs ring-ID plot here]

pp 200 GeV run 12 peaks in eta distribution 2015-08-29
