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QM 2015 - talks and posters comments

minutes for heavy flavor pwg meeting 2015/09/10

 1) J/psi-h correlation in run12 pp 200 GeV - Bingchu

Hard Probes 2015 proceeding: STAR Overview


FSM simulation update

500k pythia filtered events (E_tot >30 GeV in qudrant 2.4<eta<4.2)

abstract for GMT

 word file of suggested abstract

Optimizing Altro threshold

 In order to optimize the threshold for the Altro chip I simulated samples with varios thresholds and looked at the efficiencies of the reconstructed primary tracks.

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/09/04

1) Data - Kunsu

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Xin - 2015/08/28

1) Data - Kunsu
Slide 2, BHT2 – 26M, BHT3 – 10M
Slide 3, PhE from data, actually include contribution from Dalitz and photon conversion
Slide 4,

Lambda Polarization BulkCorr 9/9/15

Attached are some slides for my bulkcorr presentation for 9/9/15. In it I present, for the first time, <S_y> and \lambda_\sigma as a function of rootS.

Lambda spin fugacity measurement systematics

UPSAL LambdaPolarization BulkCorr September 9 2015.pdf is my 9/9/15 bulkcorr presentation