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Run 13 BEMC Calibration : EMC2 presentation-9/15/2015 [Trigger Options]

Y2014 SSD alignment: dY, dZ shifts for the full system

  • ~6k events AuAu run14, run 15160040
  • cuts : pT>1 & # tracks <500 & (pxl + ist) >2
1) Results with

Notes on BaseQA with HFT hits

Goal:  compare TPC only tracks which would have been reconstructed with HFT hits to corresponding HFT tracks.

Run XV T0 issues


14.6 GeV Azimuthally Sensitive Femtoscopy


Run9 Dijet Pt Correction Test

1. Variable Choice:

Jet1: Barrel Jet
Jet2: Endcap Jet

Meeting Minutes for Run12 p+p 200 GeV low pT NPE Analyses - Zhenyu 2015/09/11

Daniel, Shenghui, Wei, Xiaozhi, Yifei, Zhenyu


There are 2 types of biases. First is the "trigger-bias" which come aroud the thereshold when one called for the specific type of trigger .

Away-side jet correlations 0911 2015


LFS Sept. 11, 2015

Hi there.

Place holder for a presentation.