Hard Probes

 STAR Hard Probes PWG 

It includes all the measurements relating to heavy-flavor and jets in p+p and heavy-ion collisions to study the properties of QGP and also Cold QCD matter effects in the STAR experiment.

Our regular weekly meeting information can be found at this link: Weekly-HP-PWG-meeting

All previous jetcorr analyses discussions can be found at: click here

All previous heavy-flavor analyses discussions can be found at: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/pwg/heavy-flavor/hf-pwg-weekly-meeting

Previous convener:

Sooraj Radhakrishnan (Term ends on 3rd Jan 2023)
Barbara Trzeciak (Term ends on 4th May 2023)

Present conveners: 

Nihar Sahoo, Isaac Mooney, Qian Yang

Proposed abstracts for HP2023 and DIS2023 :  

HP PWG Preliminary plots

This page collects the preliminary plots approved by the HP PWG.
1) All the preliminary plots MUST contain a "STAR Preliminary" label

2) Please include at least pdf and png versions for the figures

3) Where to put the data points: it is recommended to put the data point at the x position whose yield is equal to the average yield of the bin


Year System Physics figures First shown Link to figures
2023 AuAu 200 GeV (2014 and 2016) D^0-D^0 azimuthal decorrelation in AuAu 200 GeV  QM2023
(Katarzyna Gwiździel)

2023 Ru+Ru, Zr+Zr 200 GeV D^0 R_AA in Isobar collisions  QM2023
(Yuan Su)
2023 Ru+Ru, Zr+Zr 200 GeV J/psi R_AA in isobar with BHT2 QM2023
(Te-Chuan Huang)
2023 Ru+Ru, Zr+Zr 200 GeV J/psi polarization in Isobar collisions QM2023
(Dandan Shen)
2023 Au+Au @ 200 GeV Run14 D^0+jet R_CP of Z_jet, Delta_R, and p_jet  for D0.  1< pT < 10 GeV in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV QM2023
(Diptanil Roy)
 2023 p+p 200 GeV Run12  r_c in jet observable in p+p 200 GeV  QM 2023
(Youqi Song)
 2023  O+O 200 GeV Run 21 Jet v2 in small systems QM 2023
(Tristan Protzman)
 2023 AuAu 200 GeV (2014)  Jet shape observables in AuAu (girth, pTD, LeSub) QM 2023
(Tanmay Pani)
2023 AuAu 200 GeV (2019)  Track spectra event shape engineering QM 2023
(Isaac Mooney)
2023 pp 200 GeV (2012) groomed mass fraction, log(kT) vs Rg HP2023
(Monika Robotkova)
2023 pp 200 GeV (2015), Au+Au 200 GeV (2014) p/pi ratio in jets HP2023
(Gabriel Dale-Gau)
2023 pp 200 GeV (2012) Collinear drop jet mass and zg vs dM HP2023
(Youqi Song)
2023 pp 200 GeV (2012) Jet shape observables in pp (Girt, pTD, Lesub, Rho(r)) HP2023
(Tanmay Pani)
2023 pp 200 GeV (2012) Energy energy Correlator (EEC)     HP2023        
(Andrew Tamis)
2022 pp 200 GeV (2012) Jet charge in pp collisions DNP 2022 Fall 
(Grant McNamara)
2022 Isobar @200 GeV (2018) Jet v2 in Isobar collisions HQ(2022) , HP2023
(Tristan Protzman)
plots (updated)
 2022  p+p @ 200 GeV (Run12)  Multidimensional jet substructure measurements using Omnifold (Jet M, Jet M vs Q) HQ 2022
(Youqi Song)
2022 Ru+Ru & Zr+Zr @ 200 GeV (Run18) Charged Hadron Spectra at high-pt in isobar collisions QM 2022 (Tong Liu) plots
 2022  Au+Au @ 200 GeV Run14  D0 pT Spectra and radial distributions for D0pT > 5 GeV in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV  QM 2022 (Diptanil Roy) plots
 2022  Au+Au 200 GeV Run 14 and pp Run12 200 GeV Formation time and opening angle for subjets   QM 2022 (Raghav) plots 
 2021 pp @ 200 GeV
Fully unfolded formation time for softdrop splits, charged particle splits, resolved SD splits   Jets and 3D Imaging (Raghav) plots
 2021  pp @ 200 GeV
Fully unfolded zg vs Rg as a function of pT   DIS 2021 
(Monika Robotkova)

 2021  pp @ 200 GeV
Fully unfolded iterative splitting measurement - 1st, 2nd and 3rd splits zg and Rg   DIS 2021 
2021  Isobar @
200 GeV (blinded)
IAA of h+jet measurement  APS April Meeting 2021 (Yang He)  plots
 2020 p+Au @
200 GeV 
p+Au EA comparison and semi-inclusive jet spectra  DNP Fall Meeting
(David Stewart) 

IS2023 Aj plot

 2020 Isobar @
200 GeV (blinded)
Rcp and pT spectra for charged particles  DNP Fall Meeting
(Audrey Francisco) 
 2020  p+Au @
200 GeV 
p+Au Underlying Event Observables   Hard Probes
(Veronica Verkest)
 2020 p+Au @
200 GeV 
Unfolded jet mass measurement  Hard Probes
(Isaac Mooney) 
2020  p+Au @
200  GeV 
 Raw acoplanarity jet spectra:
R=0.4 charged jets
Trigger = E_T in BEMC
Hard Probes
(David Stewart) 
2020   Au+Au @ 200  GeV 
SE and ME Rho 0-10%
SE and ME Recoil jet spectra 0-10%
SE and ME zg, 10-15 GeV 10-20%
Comb. Sub. zg. 20-25 GeV, 0-20% 
Hard Probes
(Daniel Nemes) 
2020  Au+Au @ 200 GeV
Raw full jet spectra (R=0.2, 0.4)
in 0-10% and 60-80% from HT2 trigger dataset
Charged rho vs N_ch 
 Hard Probes 2020
(Robert Licenik)
 2019 Au+Au @ 200 GeV
 full jet shape (R=0.4):
raw JS 0-10%, 20-50%; background subt. JS 0-10%, 20-50%; EP dependent jet shape 20-50% 20-40 GeV; EP dependent JS stacks 10-15 GeV, 15-20 GeV, 20-40 GeV
(Joel Mazer)
2019   Au+Au @ 200 GeV
Charged jet fragmentation functions 40-60%
Fragmentation function ratios (40-60%)/(PYTHIA)
Recoil jet spectra SE vs ME in 40-60%
dN/dz correctional factors 
2019 QM
(Saehanseul Oh) 
 2019  p+Au@200 GeV
Run 15
charged particle, full & charged jet raw yield
pi+-/K+-/p(pbar) tracking efficiency
BBC_inner to refmult correlation
Refmult fit w/ Glauber+NBD 
QM 2019
(Tong Liu) 
2019   Au+Au 200 GeV Run 4 Unidentified Two-Particle Correlations on Yt-Yt space  DNP 2019
(Lanny Ray) 
 2019  p+p 200 GeV Run 12 Unfolded jet mass measurement with groomed mass and radial scans DNP 2019
(Isaac Mooney)
2019  p+Au @ 200 GeV Run15    Correlations: EA from BBC east inner+outer tiles with (a) unfolded charged tracks at |η|<1.0 and (b) raw-charged jets  2019 Initial Stages (David Stewart) plots 
 2019 Au+Au @ 200 GeV Run 14   Differential jet shape; uncorrected, signal, event plane dependence, centrality dependent pT associated stacks 2019 High-pWorkshop (Joel Mazer)  plots
 2019 p+p 200 GeV Run 12  Unfolded jet mass measurement  2019 High-pWorkshop [3/20]
(Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli) 
 2018  Au+Au 200 GeV Run 11 Event-plane dependent dihadron + Event shape engineering  QNP 2018
(Ryo Aoyama) 
 2018  Au+Au 200 GeV Run 11 Event-plane dependent dihadron + Event shape engineering   2018 Quark Matter
(Ryo Aoyama)
 2018 Au+Au 200 GeV Run 14
p+p 200 GeV Run 9 
 Gamma+jet and pi0+jet
I_AA, intra-jet broadening
acoplanarity measurements in p+p and Au+Au (QM2022)
 2018 Hard Probes
(Nihar Sahoo)
 QM2019 plots



2018   Au+Au 200 GeV Run 7
p+p 200 GeV Run 6
Di-jet imbalance measurements as a function of jet definition (R, pTconst) with
embedded p+p reference.  
2018 Hard Probes
(Nick Elsey) 
 2018  Au + Au 200 GeV Run14 D0-Hadron Correlations, Fits & Residuals
Near-side widths on eta and phi
NS Associated per-trigger yield 
2018 RHIC/AGS Meeting
(Alex Jentsch) 
 2018  p+p (JP2) @ 200 GeV Run12 
Au+Au (HT) @ 200 GeV Run7 
(for embedding) p+p (HT) @ 200 GeV Run6
Fully Unfolded Measurements of Jet SubStructure (zg, Rg) p+p
TwoSubJet z and Theta in Au+Au compared 
to p+p Embedded in Au+Au 
 2018 Hard Probes
(Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli)
2018   Au+Au @ 200 GeV Run 14 Jet-hadron correlations relative to event plane:
raw correlations; Sig, BG, BG fit correlations; final correlations; event plane resolutions
NS/AS yields, yield ratios, widths 
 2018 Hot Quarks
(Joel Mazer) 
2018   p+Au @ 200 GeV

Correlations between 

EA from BBC East Inner Tiles and Charged tracks at |η|<1.0 

 Hot Quarks 2018

(David Stewart)

Open Heavy Flavor

Year System Physics figures First shown Link to figures
    HT2:  2023 QM HT2: plots
    HT2:  2023 QM HT2: plots
2014+2016 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D+/- RAA 2020 HP plots
 2014+2016  Au+Au @ 200 GeV  HFT: Ds+/- spectra, ratio  2019 QM
2016 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D+/- RAA 2018 QM plots
2016 d+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D0 2018 QM plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D*/D0 ratio 2018 QM plots
2014+2016 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D0 v1 2018 QM plots
2014+2016 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: non-prompt Jpsi 2017 QM plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: non-prompt D0  2017 QM plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: B/D->e 2017 QM plots
Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: Lc/D0 Ds/Dratio
HFT: Lc/D0ratio
HFT: Lc/D0 Ds/D vs ALICE
2017 QM
2018 QM
2019 Moriond

2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: Ds RAA and v2 2017 CPOD plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D+/- 2017 QM plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D0 v3 2017 QM plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV D0-hadron correlation 2017 QM plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV HFT: D0 RAA
HFT: D0 RAA and v2
2019 SQM
2018 QM
2015 QM







Year System Physics figures First shown Link to figures
 2018  isobar @ 200 GeV Psi(2S) 2023 QM plots
 2018, 2019  AuAu @ 14.6, 19.6, 27 GeV HT2: J/psi RAA 2023 QM HT2: plots
 2018  isobar @ 200 GeV HT2: Upsilon RAA 2023 ATHIC HT2: plots
 2018  isobar @ 200 GeV Jpsi v2 2022 SQM HT: plots
MB and combined: plots
 2018  isobar @ 200 GeV Minimum Bias: Jpsi RAA 2022 QM plots
slides (USTC)
slides (UIC)
sildes (combined)
 2015  p+p @ 200 GeV Dimuon: Jpsi with jet activity 2022 QM plots
 2014  Au+Au @ 200 GeV          Dimuon: Jpsi RAA, low pT 2022 QM plots
 2017  Au+Au @ 54.4 GeV Minimum Bias: Jpsi RAA 2021 SQM plots
 2011  p+p @ 500 GeV BEMC: Jpsi in jet  2020 HP plots
2015  p+Au @ 200 GeV  BEMC: Jpsi RpA 2020 HP plots
Au+Au @ 200 GeV MTD/HT: Upsilon RAA 2018 QM
2017 QM
2015 p+p, p+Au @ 200 GeV MTD: Jpsi cross-section, RpA 2017 QM plots
2015 p+p @ 200 GeV MTD: Jpsi polarization 2017 PANIC plots
2015 p+p, p+Au @ 200 GeV BEMC: Upsilon RpAu 2017 QM plots
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV MTD: Jpsi RAA, v2, Upsilon ratio  2015 QM
2016 sQM
2013 p+p @ 500 GeV MTD: Jpsi yield vs. event activity
2015 HP
2013 p+p @ 500 GeV MTD: Jpsi cross-section 2016 sQM plots
2012 U+U @ 193 GeV MB: low-pT Jpsi excess 2016 sQM plots
2012 U+U @ 193 GeV MB/BEMC: Jpsi v2 2017 QM plots
2012 p+p @ 200 GeV MB/BEMC: Jpsi cross-section, event activity
BEMC: Jpsi polarization
2016 QWG plots
2011 Au+Au @ 200 GeV MB/BEMC: Jpsi v2 2015 QM plots
2011 Au+Au @ 200 GeV MB: low-pT Jpsi excess 2016 sQM plots
2011 p+p @ 500 GeV BEMC: Jpsi cross-section WWND plots
2011 p+p @ 500 GeV HT: Upsilon cross-section
HT: Upsilon event activity
2017 QM

Electrons from Heavy Flavor Decay

> >

Year System Physics figures First shown Link to figures
2017  Au+Au @ 27 & 54.4 GeV  NPE v2  2020 HP  plots 
2014+2016   Au+Au @ 200 GeV HF electron: fraction, RAA, double ratio  2019 QM  plots 
2014 Au+Au @ 200 GeV NPE cross-section; RAA (without HFT) 2017 QM plots
2012 p+p @ 200 GeV NPE-hadron correlation, b fraction 2016 Santa Fe plots
2012 p+p @ 200 GeV NPE cross-section; udpated RAA 2015 QM plots



STAR HP results for LRP discussion

This page gathers inputs from the Hard Probes group to the Long Range Plan.

The aim is to discuss what we have learnt from heavy flavor and jet measurements since the last LRP, and what are plans for the next decade - what we are missing in order to complete the STAR mission.  

To help the discussion, we have started by selecting the key HP results since the last LRP: link to a meeting on Aug. 22nd.

Below you can list results that you think are the key ones and what message they provide. 

Please also include on this page any general comments/suggestions that you may have. 

If you have any specific measurement proposal, please mention the measurement and its physics below in the comment section. 

The Town Hall Meeting will be held on September 23-25, 2022.
Link to the previous Long Range Plan:
LRP 2015


General discussion


Please add here key results/plots from your analysis and mention what is the key physics message from these results/plots.

Topic Name (Jet/HF):  Jet

PAs' Name: 
Nihar Ranjan Sahoo (SDU), Derek Anderson (TAMU), Saskia Mioduszewski (TAMU), and Peter Jacobs (LBNL)

Physics plot's link: 
1) Recoil jet yield ratio between R=0.2/R=0.5; comparison between Au+Au and p+p for direct photon+jet and pi0+jet - link 
2) Semi-inclusive direct photon+jet and pi0+jet acoplanarity measurement in Au+Au - link 

Key Physics message:

1) Plot#1: Medium-induced jet broadening and disentangling the vacuum and in-medium gluon radiations by comparing p+p and Au+Au
2) Plot#2: First observation of medium-induced jet acoplanarity in heavy-ion collisions

STAR plans to take high statistics data for RUn23-25 for precision measurements with extended kinematic coverage.
RUn24 pp 200 GeV: important to study the vacuum radiation effect on jet acoplanarity measurements and  baseline for heavy-ion at RHIC energies both for direct photon+jet and pi0+jet

Topic Name (Jet/HF): 

PAs' Name:

Physics plot's link:

Key Physics message:


Please add here with serial number...


Weekly HP-PWG meeting

Topic: STAR Hard Probes PWG weekly meeting

Primary Meeting day and time: Thursday 10 AM EDT (BNL time)

Reserved day and time (in case of announcement): Tuesday 10 AM EDT (BNL time)
[ Reserved for invited theory and experimental seminar, or any additional discussion relating to our hp-pwg analysis]

Previous conveners:
Sooraj Radhakrishnan (Term end on 3rd Jan 2023)
Barbara Trzeciak (Term end on 4th May 2023)

Current Conveners:
 Nihar Sahoo, Isaac Mooney, Qian Yang


Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 141 9615
Passcode: 744968
Previous STAR Heavy Flavor PWG weekly meetings:
Previous jetcorr weeks 
Additional information:
It is advised to follow the guidance set by IUPAC while using symbols in scientific text:

Note: it should be written as $p$+$p$ and $p$+Au, etc, which is different from the guidance. 
Guidance for STAR preliminary plot: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/pwg/common/Preliminary-figures
Please make sure all your plots follow guidance 1-7
2022 HP-pwg meetings: link
2023 HP-pwg meetings: link
024 HP-pwg meetings: link


//_________________ HP-pwg Meeting agenda _________

27 Feb 2025:

Maowu Nie - O+O Rcp and RAA - link

20 Feb 2025:
Kaifeng Shen - J/psi AuAu 54.4 GeV paper update - link

13 Feb 2025:

Sijie Zhang - Jets in O+O - link
Jace Tyler - Photon-jet correlations with full jets - link

6 Feb 2025: canceled

30 Jan 2025: canceled

23 Jan 2025:

Youqi Song- Embedding and closure test - link 

16 Jan 2025: canceled

9 Jan 2025:

Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - D^0 -pi Femtoscopy correlation - link 

2022 HP-pwg meetings


Dec 22nd, 2022 (Last meeting of 2022)

Yang He: Icp measurement in Isobar - link
Gabe Dale-Gau: baryon-to-meson ratio in jet - link
Xinyue: Charm production cross-section at Au+Au 200 GeV - link
Brennan: J/Psi embedding request - link 
Leszek: update on v2 of heavy flavor electrons - link 
Yu-Tang Wang- J/psi with jet activity in pp 510 GeV - link



Passcode: wy=4?Cs2

Dec 8th, 2022

Cancel due to no contribution 

Dec 1st, 2022

Gabe Dale-Gau:  baryon-to-meson ratio in AuAu and pp - link 
Tanmay Pani:  Jet shape observables in pp and AuAu (HP2023 abstract discussion) - link 
Nihar:  Direct photon+jet and pi0+jet paper drafts (GPC request) discussion - email link 



Passcode: .Vk1?@s=

Nov 24th, 2022

No meeting due to Thanksgiving 
Nov 17th, 2022

Gabe Dale-Gau - Baryon to Mesos Ratios in Jets for 200 GeV AuAu link
Andrew Tamis - Measurement of the EEC in p+p run 12 link
Brennan Schaefer - J/Psi yield vs multiplicity in p+p 510 GeV
Isaac Mooney - Event shape engineering in isobar collisions - link
Tanmay Pani - Jet shape observables in p+p 200 GeV
Tristan Protzman - Jet v2 - link
Yang He - Icp measurement in Isobar collisions - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - D0-hadrons femtoscopic correlations at Au-Au 200 GeV - link
Nov 10th, 2022

Gabe Dale-Gau - Baryon to Mesos Ratios in Jets for 200 GeV AuAu - link
Tristan Protzman - Jet v2 in Isobar - link 
Brennan Schaefer -  J/Psi dimuon - link
Tanmay Pani - Unfolding of PtD, LeSub and Girth in pp 200 GeV- link
Wei - J/ψ Production in Au+Au Collisions At 27-11.5 GeV(BES-II) - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/0U4iG4PpDg34ss3iOfp8BGzYWLMabaBDbSRKX4cqoehm3YSvF7XXLjZpJl1sYPAe.R-pJUzDKkTvF1dYC

Passcode: D#evf5E?
Nov 3rd, 2022

Veronika Prozorova: NPE in Au+Au 54 GeV - link
Yuan Su: D^0 production in Isobar (paper proposal) - link
Gaohan Yang: Upsilon production in Isobar - link


Passcode: a7Q.2nGt

Oct 27, 2022
No contribution, Cancelled

Oct 20, 2022
No contribution, Cancelled

Oct 13, 2022

No contribution, Cancelled
Oct 6, 2022

Rachael Botsford: J/psi measurement using dilepton channels - link

Grant McNamara: Prelim request for jet charge - link 

Tristan Protzman: Jet v2 preliminary discussion


Passcode: q8wA3p#1

Oct 4, 2022. (Reserved day, Tuesday)

Tristan Protzman: Jet v2 in Isobar - link



Passcode: hQ1v!%#2

Sep 22, 2022

Youqi Song: multifold on pp Run12 data (aim to show at HQ2022) - link 
Tong Liu: HG-PYTHIA and Isobar RAA  (aim to show at HQ2022) - link
Yan Wang: shi(2S) embedding request - link 

Recording link:


Passcode: !@16jd@Q

Sep 12 - 16, 2022 
Collaboration meeting - link


Sep 8, 2022 

Preliminary draft for STAR Hot QCD white paper (Jet section) - link

STAR Hot QCD white paper draft with HF and Jet highlights (Sep 12 update version) - link
Sep 1, 2022:

Brennan Schaefer: J/psi vs multiplicity - link
Isaac Mooney: pp jet mass - link
Rachael Botsford: J/shi dimuon channel - link


Aug 25, 2022:


Barbara, Yi, Sooraj, and Nihar: STAR LRP discussion - link (both HF and jet discussion)
Andrew Tamis: Energy-energy Correlators in pp - link


Aug 18, 2022:

Youqi Song: Unfolding jet sub-structure observables using Multifold - link
Tristan Protzman: Jet v2 in Isobar- link



Aug 8, 2022: Cancelled due to lack of contribution
Aug 4, 2022: 
Cancelled due to lack of contribution
July 28, 2022: 
Cancelled due to lack of contribution
July 21, 2022:

Youqi Song: multifold analysis - slides
Tristan Protzman: jet v2 - slides
Grant McNamara: Jet Charge - slides
Yuan Su: D^0 production in Isobar- Slides


Passcode: %y84s*h@

July 14, 2022:

Yuan Su: D^0 production in Isobar- Slides

Passcode:  sB1?N!av

July 7, 2022:

Tanmay Pani: jet shape - Slides

Passcode: dy2#8K!h

Jun 30, 2022:

Rachael Botsford: J/psi measurement using dilepton channels - slides
Brennan Schaefer: Run QA for di-electron J/psi analysis - slides
Nihar Sahoo: pp 200 GeV pi0+jet acoplanarity - slides
Ziyue Zhang: J/psi R_pAu - slides

Passcode: @BH=3hiS

Jun 16, 2022:

Andres Tamis: first look at energy-energy correlators in pp Run12 aimed for DNP - slides
Youqi Song: multifold on pp Run12 data closure tests aimed for DNP - slides
Monika Robotková - updated plots for PWGC preview request pp Run12 multi-dimensional jet substructure with full systematics and all observables - slides
Passcode: ?E?2%Dn^



Jun 2, 2022: 

1) Toward J/psi dependence on multiplicity at 500 GeV - Brennan Schaefer
Passcode: n$TjuD9Z 


2023 HP-pwg meetings

//_________________ HP-pwg Meeting agenda _________

16th Dec. 2023:

Ziyue Zhang - J/Psi pp combining different Runs using BLUE - link 
Yan Wang - Psi(2S) pp reference update - link 



Passcode: z5DT=hx0

30th Nov. 2023:

Diptanil Roy: D^0+jet update - link
Leszek Kosarzewski: a short update on the Upsilon paper - link
Wei Zhang: raw signal extraction 17.3 and nSigma electron production - link
Sooraj : hadron and jet v1 in AuAu 200 GeV - link 



Passcode: ?$6TrCr#                                                                                 

16th Nov. 2023:
Alexandr Prozorov - D0 jets unfolding in AuAu@200GeV - link
Tong Liu - pAu track TOF-matching efficiency - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/nHeDtcijjOoGOXVGzlc3vD3zUDoagRMtAKShS6LsYVsI3cpOggp5I_SSpHbfRyxP.-XTE6U5xjmDIaXTq
Passcode: N36%3bsT

9th Nov. 2023:
Brennan Schaefer - Run17 J/psi Embedding issue - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/BeBu3O0v0Jl3IFoNQt2AKq8iDfMVXx4xnlPRYqiIS6ElQMVfZ6E1nmIiW7LeXx9t.Cpud1uz7g46gXDgr
Passcode: Xd2z!q$L

2nd Nov. 2023:
Andrew Tamis: EEC Measurement in pp Run 12 - link
Wei Zhang: double counting issue for J/psi RAA in 14.6 and 19.6 GeV - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/ksawwbZrMQwd6_PfDO5fdNr88J4Ljbs6q-HzzK_SQuZoLByd-3SVFV5cXg9C1Bqx.JQUWZ85ynlvXELTf

Passcode: &8Bj&m#8

31th Oct 2023:
Tanmay Pani:

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/fNw7Pqtq5Eb-U5t9BszedMdhmDOd2UMYItC7ufWFOBQeGCAh70Z6cr2KrxBfw6WF.oNM_LqXk4KnV9QhL

Passcode: rc^JUE@1 

26th Oct 2023:
Wei Zhang: double counting issue for J/psi RAA in 14.6 and 19.6 GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury: Updates on D0-K+ correlation - link  

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/uV70gSdMO0o-nbZkkRPRWb_ZlMCKuoYeUO6kBEED_nqU-Hoy4LFDPxMwbW9MmKNG.wc6Nmtw-jgxTPdQd

Passcode: xL#e977?

STAR Collaboration meeting - Cairo, Egypt- 16th to 20th Oct, 2023

16th Oct recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/HKVsLtcxtGTxG1vT4YsvCd3bX1dmr-MqSYSmkoXLHekojNr_BwbarioVxU4TlV7z.Rm2CVnu4sGaekPxb

Passcode: VL4U!J0=
Link: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/STAR-Collaboration-Meeting-Fall-2023/HP-Parallel-Session

17th Oct recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/ctmz4xzyQ1cDfZuLoYanSkfVMxod9049M6YjiwX1E52fz4joZENwgWU9ZQTtbjfC.xlNYdKHd97ticJUl

Passcode: ^DDa2q&D

Link: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/STAR-Collaboration-Meeting-Fall-2023/HP-Parallel-Session-0

Overview talk by Isaac Mooney: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/STAR-Collaboration-Meeting-Fall-2023/Plenary-Session-IV/HP-Convenor-Report 

12th Oct 2023:

Brennan Schaefer - Run17 J/psi Embedding issue - 

Passcode: X=S7U9bd

5th Oct 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution 

28th Sep 2023:

Leszek Kosrazewski- Upsilon in pp 500 GeV, paper discussion - link
Nihar Sahoo (on behalf of conveners) - Post QM23 analyses and paper discussion - link

Passcode: Dnb5a*z3

21th Sep 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution
Please see the notice in email on STAR HP-pwg publication plan 

14th Sep 2023:

Charles Joseph Naim - r_c studies in pp collisions (2017) - link 
Maowu Nie - O+O charged hadron R_cp - link  
Qian Yang - J/psi spin alignment - link 
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - D0-K+ correlation - link

Passcode: S5b*soaN

___QM2023 Sep 3-9____

28th Aug, 2023: (Special Meeting)
Tanmay Pani - Link

Passcode: flb#tE0x

24th Aug, 2023:

QM2023 related discussion (STAR preliminary approval)

Oral presenters:
Tanmay Pani - link
Yan Wang
Yuan Su - 

Jakub Ceska - link
Wei Zhang - link 
Daniel Kikola - link
Isaac Mooney - link
Diptanil - link
Youqi - link
Te-Chuan Huang - link 
Dandan -
Tristan -
Priyanka - 

New analysis:

Charles Joseph Naim - r_c studies in pp collisions (2017) - link  

Passcode: gv1H^k96

22th Aug, 2023:

Passcode: n$490RrE

17th Aug, 2023:

Tanmay Pani- Jet shape - link
Te-Chuan Huang- J/psi R_AA with BHT2 trigger in isobar collisions - link
Jakub Ceska - Upsilon analysis - link 
Brennan Schaefer - J/Si analysis- link
Andrew Tamis - EEC analysis - link

Isaac Mooney - AuAu 2014 event shape engineering - link 
Daniel Kikola - D-D0 azimuthal correlation in Au+Au collisions - link 
Tristan Protzman - jet v2 in  oxygen-oxygen collisions - link  


Passcode: nA.uH041


15th Aug, 2023:

Te-Chuan Huang- J/psi R_AA with BHT2 trigger in isobar collisions - link
Dandan Shen - J/ψ polarization in Isobar data - link
Diptanil Roy - D^0 analysis - link 
Tanmay Pani- Jet shape - link

Passcode: 0=s6Pk4?

Follow-ups from the 10th:
Youqi Song- update on the correction procedures of rc
Daniel Kikola- D0-D0bar azimuthal correlation
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations
Wei Zhang -  AuAu 27, 19.6, 14.6 GeV Jpsi
Yan - Isobar psi2S analysis

10th Aug, 2023:
Veronika Prozorova - update on HFE at 54.4 GeV - link 
Youqi Song- update on the correction procedures of rc - link
Daniel Kikola- D0-D0bar azimuthal correlation  - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations - link 
Wei Zhang -  AuAu27、19.6、14.6GeV Jpsi - link 
Yan - Isobar psi2S analysis - link 

Passcode: kq#J5Fh.

3rd Aug, 2023:

Jakub Ceska-  Multiplicity dependence of Upsilon meson production in p+p at 510 GeV - link
Iain Morton - Direct Photon and Neutral pion discrimination poster - link
Wei Zhang - systematic uncertainty of AuAu27GeV and AuAu19.6GeV - link


Passcode: i^Zm0ds^

27th July, 2023:

Daniel Kikoła - D0-D0bar azimuthal correlation in Au+Au 200 GeV - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations - link
Iain Morton - Direct Photon and Neutral pion discrimination - link

Passcode: 9a!h%2@t


20th July, 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution
13th July, 2023:

Nihar Sahoo - Jet acoplanarity paper proposal follow-up discussion - link
Youqi Song - Charge correlator analysis in pp - link 
Ondrej Lomicky -  bad tower selection for Run16 Au+Au P16ij - link 
Isaac Mooney -  event shape engineering analysis - link
Brennan Schaefer: Measurement of the event multiplicity dependence of J/Psi production in p+p at 510 GeV - link 

Passcode: EJ@U7&Pu

6th July, 2023:

Veronika Prozorova- HFE at 54 GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury -  kaon and pion femtoscopy in Au-Au 200 GeV - link
Daniel Kikola - D0-D0bar aziumthal correlation in AuAu 200 GeV - link

Passcode: H2f@$rra

28th June, 2023:

No hp-pwg meeting this week due to ongoing mini analysis meeting

27th June, 2023: Analysis meeting (BES-II)

* Tue 27/Jun (9:00-12:10)  HP and PWG summary (link to the recording, pass: x0X3=L#g )
- 09:00 (25) hp : Te-Chuan Huang : Quarkonium from different energy and collision systems : slide link
- 09:25 (25) hp : Tanmay Pani : Measuring medium modification of jets using generalized and differential angularities : slide link
- 09:50 (15) hp : Diptanil Roy : Charm-tagged Jet Fragmentation Function and Spectra in Au+Au : slide link
- 10:05 (15) hp : Yuan Su : D0 RAA in isobar : slide link

22nd June, 2023:

BHT trigger threshold discussion for Run23

Passcode: ?C3Kt8KQ

15th June, 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution 
8th June, 2023:

Trigger rate discussion - link
Nihar Sahoo - Jet Acoplanarity paper proposal - link
Gabe Dale-Gau - Baryon-to-Meson ratio in jet - link 
Andrew Tamis -EEC in pp paper proposal - link 


Passcode: f6gFN$E9


1st June, 2023:

Subhash - jet v1 in isobar - link
Andrew - EEC in pp 200 GeV - link 
Katarzyna Gwiździel- D0-D0bar azimuthal correlations in Au+Au @ 200 GeV - link
Brennan - luminosity unfolding multiplicity correction - link


Passcode: =$n4xff^

25th May, 2023:

Rongrong Ma: HP highlights for BUR 2023- link


Passcode: EK2HT#D6

18th May, 2023:

Katarzyna Gwiździel - D^0 -D^0 correlation in AuAu 200 GeV - link 
Diptanil Roy - D^0 jets in Au+Au 200 GeV - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations - link 


Passcode: 1KD1+dR^
11th May, 2023:

Ziyang Li: Upsilon(2S) to Upsilon(1S) ratio - link
Youqi Song: the charge correlator ratio analysis in pp - link

Passcode: z3L!#2&b

4th May, 2023:

Nihar Sahoo: pp and pAu 200 GeV Run12 and Run15 request - link

Passcode: %T^y*0+$

27th Apr, 2023:

Cancelled  (no contribution)
20th Apr, 2023:

Quark Matter 2023:
Robert Licenik: Measurement of inclusive jet production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV - slides
Tristan Protzman: Lambda polarization in quenched jets - slides
Wei Zhang: Energy dependence of J/psi production in Au+Au collisions at 14.6,19.6 and 27 GeV - slides
Tanmay Pani: Measuring medium modification of jets using generalized and differential angularities from Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV - slides
Isaac Mooney: Event shape engineering of charged hadron spectra in isobar collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Subhash Singha, Nihar Sahoo: Measurement of directed flow of inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC (abstractslides)
Jakub Ceska: Measurement of multiplicity dependence of Upsilon meson production in p+p at 510 GeV - slides
Brennan Schaefer: Measurement of the event multiplicity dependence of J/Psi production in p+p at 510 GeV
Yuan Su: D^0 production and R_AA in Isobar collisions (abstract)

Veronika Verkest: Final figures update for Even activity and jet measurements in p+Au - link 

Passcode: FMj.p7+z

13th Apr, 2023:

QM2023 abstract merge plan: conveners  (slides)


Robert Licenik: Measurement of inclusive jet production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV
Yang He: Semi: inclusive hadron+jet measurement in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV (abstractslides)
Gabe Dale-Gau: Measurements of Baryon to Meson ratios in jets for Au+Au and p+p collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Tristan Protzman, Rosi Reed: Lambda polarization from quenched jets (slides)
Tanmay Pani: Measuring medium modification of jets using generalized and differential angularities from Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV 
Diptanil Roy: Charm-tagged Jet Fragmentation Function and Spectra in AuAu 200 GeV (slides)
Isaac Mooney: Event shape engineering of charged hadron spectra in isobar collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Tristan Protzman, Rosi Reed: Jet v2 in medium sized systems (slides)
Subhash Singha, Nihar Sahoo: Measurement of directed flow of inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC (abstractslides)
Andrew Tamis: Energy-Energy Correlator (slides)
Youqi Song: Probing soft-hard correlation and hadronization with jets at RHIC (slides)

Heavy Flavor:

Te-Chuan Huang: J/psi and Upsilon R_AA results in isobar data at 200 GeV (abstractslides)
Yan Wang: Psi(2S) production in isobaric collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Dandan Shen: Measurements of J/psi polarization in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV (abstractslides)
Wei Zhang: Energy dependence of J/psi production in Au+Au collisions at 14.6,19.6 and 27 GeV
Veronika Prozorova: Heavy-flavour electron measurements in Au+Au collisions at 54.4 GeV (slides)
Priyanka Roy: Measurement of femtoscopic correlation function between D0 mesons and charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Daniel Kikola: D0-D0bar correlations in Au+Au at 200 GeV (slides)
Jakub Ceska: Measurement of multiplicity dependence of Upsilon meson production in p+p at 510 GeV
Brennan Schaefer: Measurement of the event multiplicity dependence of J/Psi production in p+p at 510 GeVYuan Su: D^0 production and R_AA in Isobar collisions (abstract)
Yuan Su: D0 production and R_AA in Isobar collisions (slides)

Passcode: U@em7z+q

6th Apr, 2023:

Veronika Prozorova: HFE analysis at 54.4 GeV - link
Wei Zhang: pp inelastic cross section and finalized efficiency at AuAu27GeV - link
Dandan Shen: J/psi polarization in Isobar- link
Daniel Kikoła: D^0-D^0 azimuthal correlation in Au+Au - link
Subhash Singha: Inclusive jet v1 in heavy-ion collisions - link
Qian Yang: J/psi measurement in Isobar- link
Te-Chuan Hunag- J/psi and Upsilon production in Isobar - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury - femtoscopic correlation between D0-hadron - link

Passcode: 8WKPd=@^


30th March, 2023: 

Meeting cancelled due to ongoing HP/DIS -2023

23rd March, 2023: 

STAR highlights talk discussion- Nihar Sahoo/Joern Putschke - updated slide link (v2)
Tanmay Pani - Update on preliminary results for HP2023
Gabe Gau: Update on his analysis for HP2023 presentation

Yuan Su: D-meson production in isobar paper discussion for PWGC review - webpage
Discussion on Run23 trigger, vertex selection, HT threshold, etc. - link

Passcode: 86W6gU$G
16th March, 2023: 

HP23 Preliminaries
Gabe Gau - preliminary request - link  
Yang He - update - link
Tristan Protzman - preliminary request - link
Tanmay Pani - preliminary request - link
Andrew Tamis - preliminary request - link
Youqi Song - preliminary request-  link  
Monika Robotková - preliminary request- link

Priyanka Chowdhury - preliminary request - link
Isaac Mooney - preliminary request - link
Brennan Scheafer - preliminary request - link

Yan Wang (Already approved STAR preliminary)

Passcode: Jfv@f^n0

14th March, 2023: 
(Tuesday discussion 9 AM
 BNL time)

HP23 Preliminaries
Yang He - update - link
Tristan Protzman - preliminary request - link
Tanmay Pani - preliminary request - link
Gabe Gau - preliminary request - link
Priyanka Chowdhury - preliminary request - link
Brennan Scheafer - preliminary request - link
Andrew Tamis - preliminary request - link
Isaac Mooney - preliminary request - link
Youqi Song - preliminary request-  link  
Monika Robotková - preliminary request- link

Yan Wang (Already approved STAR preliminary)

Passcode: @qN6zzS=
9th March, 2023: 

HP23 Preliminaries
Tristan Protzman - preliminary request - link
Brennan Scheafer - preliminary request - link
Youqi Song - link  
Monika Robotková - preliminary request- link
Gabe Gau - preliminary request - link
Andrew Tamis - preliminary request - link
Isaac Mooney - preliminary request - link
Yang He - update - link
Tanmay Pani
Priyanka Chowdhury
Yan Wang (Already approved STAR preliminary)

Passcode: u^ADrn7$

Feb 27-Mar 3, 2023
Collaboration meeting, LBNL: link

Here are the links to the HP parallel session recordings:
Feb. 28: 
Passcode: Gt=r6Qk&

Mar. 1:
Passcode: .sy&6qT2

23rd Feb, 2023:

Gabe: Baryon and Meson Ratios in Jets from Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV - link
Tanmay:  Jet shapes analyses - link
Ziyue: BHT2 Jpsi @200GeV in pAu/pp analysis - link

Passcode: +E7Ez#T.

16th Feb, 2023:

Gaohan Yang: Measurements of the Upsilon Production in Isobaric Collisions at 200GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury : Femtoscopic correlations between D0-hadron for Au+Au, 200 GeV - link  
Ziyue Zhang: update on BHT2 J/psi RpAu @200GeV (Run15) - link

Passcode: dY1rt^F5

9th Feb, 2023:

Youqi Song: Jet substructure in pp - link
Jakub Češka: Upsilon mesons in Run17 pp data - link 

Passcode: 0?!zx41=

2nd Feb, 2023:

Priyanka Roy Chowdhury : D0-hadron femtoscopic correlation function analysis at Au+Au 200 GeV- link

Passcode: 6cr0d=p!
26th Jan, 2023:

Gabriel Dale-Gau: Baryon and Meson Ratios in Jet from Au+Au Collisions at 200GeV - link

Brennan Schaefer: J/psi simulation chain option - link

Passcode: kE92E.t3

19 Jan, 2023:

Veronika Prozorova: NPE analysis in Au+Au at 54.4GeV - link
David Stewart: update on the p+Au semi-inclusive jet analysis - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury : D0-hadron femtoscopic correlation function analysis at Au+Au 200 GeV- link

Passcode: !tZ31v7X

12 Jan, 2023:

Wei Zhang: J/psi in Au+Au 11.5 - 27 GeV -  Link

Passcode: !uPo?3ev

5 Jan, 2023:

Youqi Song: Jet substructure measurement in pp 200 GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - femtoscopic correlation (on track merging issue) - link 

2023 HP-pwg meetings

//_________________ HP-pwg Meeting agenda _________

16th Dec. 2023:

Ziyue Zhang - J/Psi pp combining different Runs using BLUE - link 
Yan Wang - Psi(2S) pp reference update - link 



Passcode: z5DT=hx0

30th Nov. 2023:

Diptanil Roy: D^0+jet update - link
Leszek Kosarzewski: a short update on the Upsilon paper - link
Wei Zhang: raw signal extraction 17.3 and nSigma electron production - link
Sooraj : hadron and jet v1 in AuAu 200 GeV - link 



Passcode: ?$6TrCr#                                                                                 

16th Nov. 2023:
Alexandr Prozorov - D0 jets unfolding in AuAu@200GeV - link
Tong Liu - pAu track TOF-matching efficiency - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/nHeDtcijjOoGOXVGzlc3vD3zUDoagRMtAKShS6LsYVsI3cpOggp5I_SSpHbfRyxP.-XTE6U5xjmDIaXTq
Passcode: N36%3bsT

9th Nov. 2023:
Brennan Schaefer - Run17 J/psi Embedding issue - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/BeBu3O0v0Jl3IFoNQt2AKq8iDfMVXx4xnlPRYqiIS6ElQMVfZ6E1nmIiW7LeXx9t.Cpud1uz7g46gXDgr
Passcode: Xd2z!q$L

2nd Nov. 2023:
Andrew Tamis: EEC Measurement in pp Run 12 - link
Wei Zhang: double counting issue for J/psi RAA in 14.6 and 19.6 GeV - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/ksawwbZrMQwd6_PfDO5fdNr88J4Ljbs6q-HzzK_SQuZoLByd-3SVFV5cXg9C1Bqx.JQUWZ85ynlvXELTf

Passcode: &8Bj&m#8

31th Oct 2023:
Tanmay Pani:

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/fNw7Pqtq5Eb-U5t9BszedMdhmDOd2UMYItC7ufWFOBQeGCAh70Z6cr2KrxBfw6WF.oNM_LqXk4KnV9QhL

Passcode: rc^JUE@1 

26th Oct 2023:
Wei Zhang: double counting issue for J/psi RAA in 14.6 and 19.6 GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury: Updates on D0-K+ correlation - link  

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/uV70gSdMO0o-nbZkkRPRWb_ZlMCKuoYeUO6kBEED_nqU-Hoy4LFDPxMwbW9MmKNG.wc6Nmtw-jgxTPdQd

Passcode: xL#e977?

STAR Collaboration meeting - Cairo, Egypt- 16th to 20th Oct, 2023

16th Oct recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/HKVsLtcxtGTxG1vT4YsvCd3bX1dmr-MqSYSmkoXLHekojNr_BwbarioVxU4TlV7z.Rm2CVnu4sGaekPxb

Passcode: VL4U!J0=
Link: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/STAR-Collaboration-Meeting-Fall-2023/HP-Parallel-Session

17th Oct recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/ctmz4xzyQ1cDfZuLoYanSkfVMxod9049M6YjiwX1E52fz4joZENwgWU9ZQTtbjfC.xlNYdKHd97ticJUl

Passcode: ^DDa2q&D

Link: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/STAR-Collaboration-Meeting-Fall-2023/HP-Parallel-Session-0

Overview talk by Isaac Mooney: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/STAR-Collaboration-Meeting-Fall-2023/Plenary-Session-IV/HP-Convenor-Report 

12th Oct 2023:

Brennan Schaefer - Run17 J/psi Embedding issue - 

Passcode: X=S7U9bd

5th Oct 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution 

28th Sep 2023:

Leszek Kosrazewski- Upsilon in pp 500 GeV, paper discussion - link
Nihar Sahoo (on behalf of conveners) - Post QM23 analyses and paper discussion - link

Passcode: Dnb5a*z3

21th Sep 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution
Please see the notice in email on STAR HP-pwg publication plan 

14th Sep 2023:

Charles Joseph Naim - r_c studies in pp collisions (2017) - link 
Maowu Nie - O+O charged hadron R_cp - link  
Qian Yang - J/psi spin alignment - link 
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - D0-K+ correlation - link

Passcode: S5b*soaN

___QM2023 Sep 3-9____

28th Aug, 2023: (Special Meeting)
Tanmay Pani - Link

Passcode: flb#tE0x

24th Aug, 2023:

QM2023 related discussion (STAR preliminary approval)

Oral presenters:
Tanmay Pani - link
Yan Wang
Yuan Su - 

Jakub Ceska - link
Wei Zhang - link 
Daniel Kikola - link
Isaac Mooney - link
Diptanil - link
Youqi - link
Te-Chuan Huang - link 
Dandan -
Tristan -
Priyanka - 

New analysis:

Charles Joseph Naim - r_c studies in pp collisions (2017) - link  

Passcode: gv1H^k96

22th Aug, 2023:

Passcode: n$490RrE

17th Aug, 2023:

Tanmay Pani- Jet shape - link
Te-Chuan Huang- J/psi R_AA with BHT2 trigger in isobar collisions - link
Jakub Ceska - Upsilon analysis - link 
Brennan Schaefer - J/Si analysis- link
Andrew Tamis - EEC analysis - link

Isaac Mooney - AuAu 2014 event shape engineering - link 
Daniel Kikola - D-D0 azimuthal correlation in Au+Au collisions - link 
Tristan Protzman - jet v2 in  oxygen-oxygen collisions - link  


Passcode: nA.uH041


15th Aug, 2023:

Te-Chuan Huang- J/psi R_AA with BHT2 trigger in isobar collisions - link
Dandan Shen - J/ψ polarization in Isobar data - link
Diptanil Roy - D^0 analysis - link 
Tanmay Pani- Jet shape - link

Passcode: 0=s6Pk4?

Follow-ups from the 10th:
Youqi Song- update on the correction procedures of rc
Daniel Kikola- D0-D0bar azimuthal correlation
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations
Wei Zhang -  AuAu 27, 19.6, 14.6 GeV Jpsi
Yan - Isobar psi2S analysis

10th Aug, 2023:
Veronika Prozorova - update on HFE at 54.4 GeV - link 
Youqi Song- update on the correction procedures of rc - link
Daniel Kikola- D0-D0bar azimuthal correlation  - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations - link 
Wei Zhang -  AuAu27、19.6、14.6GeV Jpsi - link 
Yan - Isobar psi2S analysis - link 

Passcode: kq#J5Fh.

3rd Aug, 2023:

Jakub Ceska-  Multiplicity dependence of Upsilon meson production in p+p at 510 GeV - link
Iain Morton - Direct Photon and Neutral pion discrimination poster - link
Wei Zhang - systematic uncertainty of AuAu27GeV and AuAu19.6GeV - link


Passcode: i^Zm0ds^

27th July, 2023:

Daniel Kikoła - D0-D0bar azimuthal correlation in Au+Au 200 GeV - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations - link
Iain Morton - Direct Photon and Neutral pion discrimination - link

Passcode: 9a!h%2@t


20th July, 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution
13th July, 2023:

Nihar Sahoo - Jet acoplanarity paper proposal follow-up discussion - link
Youqi Song - Charge correlator analysis in pp - link 
Ondrej Lomicky -  bad tower selection for Run16 Au+Au P16ij - link 
Isaac Mooney -  event shape engineering analysis - link
Brennan Schaefer: Measurement of the event multiplicity dependence of J/Psi production in p+p at 510 GeV - link 

Passcode: EJ@U7&Pu

6th July, 2023:

Veronika Prozorova- HFE at 54 GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury -  kaon and pion femtoscopy in Au-Au 200 GeV - link
Daniel Kikola - D0-D0bar aziumthal correlation in AuAu 200 GeV - link

Passcode: H2f@$rra

28th June, 2023:

No hp-pwg meeting this week due to ongoing mini analysis meeting

27th June, 2023: Analysis meeting (BES-II)

* Tue 27/Jun (9:00-12:10)  HP and PWG summary (link to the recording, pass: x0X3=L#g )
- 09:00 (25) hp : Te-Chuan Huang : Quarkonium from different energy and collision systems : slide link
- 09:25 (25) hp : Tanmay Pani : Measuring medium modification of jets using generalized and differential angularities : slide link
- 09:50 (15) hp : Diptanil Roy : Charm-tagged Jet Fragmentation Function and Spectra in Au+Au : slide link
- 10:05 (15) hp : Yuan Su : D0 RAA in isobar : slide link

22nd June, 2023:

BHT trigger threshold discussion for Run23

Passcode: ?C3Kt8KQ

15th June, 2023:

Cancelled due to no contribution 
8th June, 2023:

Trigger rate discussion - link
Nihar Sahoo - Jet Acoplanarity paper proposal - link
Gabe Dale-Gau - Baryon-to-Meson ratio in jet - link 
Andrew Tamis -EEC in pp paper proposal - link 


Passcode: f6gFN$E9


1st June, 2023:

Subhash - jet v1 in isobar - link
Andrew - EEC in pp 200 GeV - link 
Katarzyna Gwiździel- D0-D0bar azimuthal correlations in Au+Au @ 200 GeV - link
Brennan - luminosity unfolding multiplicity correction - link


Passcode: =$n4xff^

25th May, 2023:

Rongrong Ma: HP highlights for BUR 2023- link


Passcode: EK2HT#D6

18th May, 2023:

Katarzyna Gwiździel - D^0 -D^0 correlation in AuAu 200 GeV - link 
Diptanil Roy - D^0 jets in Au+Au 200 GeV - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury Roy- Femtoscopic D^0 hadron correlations - link 


Passcode: 1KD1+dR^
11th May, 2023:

Ziyang Li: Upsilon(2S) to Upsilon(1S) ratio - link
Youqi Song: the charge correlator ratio analysis in pp - link

Passcode: z3L!#2&b

4th May, 2023:

Nihar Sahoo: pp and pAu 200 GeV Run12 and Run15 request - link

Passcode: %T^y*0+$

27th Apr, 2023:

Cancelled  (no contribution)
20th Apr, 2023:

Quark Matter 2023:
Robert Licenik: Measurement of inclusive jet production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV - slides
Tristan Protzman: Lambda polarization in quenched jets - slides
Wei Zhang: Energy dependence of J/psi production in Au+Au collisions at 14.6,19.6 and 27 GeV - slides
Tanmay Pani: Measuring medium modification of jets using generalized and differential angularities from Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV - slides
Isaac Mooney: Event shape engineering of charged hadron spectra in isobar collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Subhash Singha, Nihar Sahoo: Measurement of directed flow of inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC (abstractslides)
Jakub Ceska: Measurement of multiplicity dependence of Upsilon meson production in p+p at 510 GeV - slides
Brennan Schaefer: Measurement of the event multiplicity dependence of J/Psi production in p+p at 510 GeV
Yuan Su: D^0 production and R_AA in Isobar collisions (abstract)

Veronika Verkest: Final figures update for Even activity and jet measurements in p+Au - link 

Passcode: FMj.p7+z

13th Apr, 2023:

QM2023 abstract merge plan: conveners  (slides)


Robert Licenik: Measurement of inclusive jet production in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV
Yang He: Semi: inclusive hadron+jet measurement in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV (abstractslides)
Gabe Dale-Gau: Measurements of Baryon to Meson ratios in jets for Au+Au and p+p collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Tristan Protzman, Rosi Reed: Lambda polarization from quenched jets (slides)
Tanmay Pani: Measuring medium modification of jets using generalized and differential angularities from Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV 
Diptanil Roy: Charm-tagged Jet Fragmentation Function and Spectra in AuAu 200 GeV (slides)
Isaac Mooney: Event shape engineering of charged hadron spectra in isobar collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Tristan Protzman, Rosi Reed: Jet v2 in medium sized systems (slides)
Subhash Singha, Nihar Sahoo: Measurement of directed flow of inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC (abstractslides)
Andrew Tamis: Energy-Energy Correlator (slides)
Youqi Song: Probing soft-hard correlation and hadronization with jets at RHIC (slides)

Heavy Flavor:

Te-Chuan Huang: J/psi and Upsilon R_AA results in isobar data at 200 GeV (abstractslides)
Yan Wang: Psi(2S) production in isobaric collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Dandan Shen: Measurements of J/psi polarization in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV (abstractslides)
Wei Zhang: Energy dependence of J/psi production in Au+Au collisions at 14.6,19.6 and 27 GeV
Veronika Prozorova: Heavy-flavour electron measurements in Au+Au collisions at 54.4 GeV (slides)
Priyanka Roy: Measurement of femtoscopic correlation function between D0 mesons and charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV (slides)
Daniel Kikola: D0-D0bar correlations in Au+Au at 200 GeV (slides)
Jakub Ceska: Measurement of multiplicity dependence of Upsilon meson production in p+p at 510 GeV
Brennan Schaefer: Measurement of the event multiplicity dependence of J/Psi production in p+p at 510 GeVYuan Su: D^0 production and R_AA in Isobar collisions (abstract)
Yuan Su: D0 production and R_AA in Isobar collisions (slides)

Passcode: U@em7z+q

6th Apr, 2023:

Veronika Prozorova: HFE analysis at 54.4 GeV - link
Wei Zhang: pp inelastic cross section and finalized efficiency at AuAu27GeV - link
Dandan Shen: J/psi polarization in Isobar- link
Daniel Kikoła: D^0-D^0 azimuthal correlation in Au+Au - link
Subhash Singha: Inclusive jet v1 in heavy-ion collisions - link
Qian Yang: J/psi measurement in Isobar- link
Te-Chuan Hunag- J/psi and Upsilon production in Isobar - link 
Priyanka Chowdhury - femtoscopic correlation between D0-hadron - link

Passcode: 8WKPd=@^


30th March, 2023: 

Meeting cancelled due to ongoing HP/DIS -2023

23rd March, 2023: 

STAR highlights talk discussion- Nihar Sahoo/Joern Putschke - updated slide link (v2)
Tanmay Pani - Update on preliminary results for HP2023
Gabe Gau: Update on his analysis for HP2023 presentation

Yuan Su: D-meson production in isobar paper discussion for PWGC review - webpage
Discussion on Run23 trigger, vertex selection, HT threshold, etc. - link

Passcode: 86W6gU$G
16th March, 2023: 

HP23 Preliminaries
Gabe Gau - preliminary request - link  
Yang He - update - link
Tristan Protzman - preliminary request - link
Tanmay Pani - preliminary request - link
Andrew Tamis - preliminary request - link
Youqi Song - preliminary request-  link  
Monika Robotková - preliminary request- link

Priyanka Chowdhury - preliminary request - link
Isaac Mooney - preliminary request - link
Brennan Scheafer - preliminary request - link

Yan Wang (Already approved STAR preliminary)

Passcode: Jfv@f^n0

14th March, 2023: 
(Tuesday discussion 9 AM
 BNL time)

HP23 Preliminaries
Yang He - update - link
Tristan Protzman - preliminary request - link
Tanmay Pani - preliminary request - link
Gabe Gau - preliminary request - link
Priyanka Chowdhury - preliminary request - link
Brennan Scheafer - preliminary request - link
Andrew Tamis - preliminary request - link
Isaac Mooney - preliminary request - link
Youqi Song - preliminary request-  link  
Monika Robotková - preliminary request- link

Yan Wang (Already approved STAR preliminary)

Passcode: @qN6zzS=
9th March, 2023: 

HP23 Preliminaries
Tristan Protzman - preliminary request - link
Brennan Scheafer - preliminary request - link
Youqi Song - link  
Monika Robotková - preliminary request- link
Gabe Gau - preliminary request - link
Andrew Tamis - preliminary request - link
Isaac Mooney - preliminary request - link
Yang He - update - link
Tanmay Pani
Priyanka Chowdhury
Yan Wang (Already approved STAR preliminary)

Passcode: u^ADrn7$

Feb 27-Mar 3, 2023
Collaboration meeting, LBNL: link

Here are the links to the HP parallel session recordings:
Feb. 28: 
Passcode: Gt=r6Qk&

Mar. 1:
Passcode: .sy&6qT2

23rd Feb, 2023:

Gabe: Baryon and Meson Ratios in Jets from Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV - link
Tanmay:  Jet shapes analyses - link
Ziyue: BHT2 Jpsi @200GeV in pAu/pp analysis - link

Passcode: +E7Ez#T.

16th Feb, 2023:

Gaohan Yang: Measurements of the Upsilon Production in Isobaric Collisions at 200GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury : Femtoscopic correlations between D0-hadron for Au+Au, 200 GeV - link  
Ziyue Zhang: update on BHT2 J/psi RpAu @200GeV (Run15) - link

Passcode: dY1rt^F5

9th Feb, 2023:

Youqi Song: Jet substructure in pp - link
Jakub Češka: Upsilon mesons in Run17 pp data - link 

Passcode: 0?!zx41=

2nd Feb, 2023:

Priyanka Roy Chowdhury : D0-hadron femtoscopic correlation function analysis at Au+Au 200 GeV- link

Passcode: 6cr0d=p!
26th Jan, 2023:

Gabriel Dale-Gau: Baryon and Meson Ratios in Jet from Au+Au Collisions at 200GeV - link

Brennan Schaefer: J/psi simulation chain option - link

Passcode: kE92E.t3

19 Jan, 2023:

Veronika Prozorova: NPE analysis in Au+Au at 54.4GeV - link
David Stewart: update on the p+Au semi-inclusive jet analysis - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury : D0-hadron femtoscopic correlation function analysis at Au+Au 200 GeV- link

Passcode: !tZ31v7X

12 Jan, 2023:

Wei Zhang: J/psi in Au+Au 11.5 - 27 GeV -  Link

Passcode: !uPo?3ev

5 Jan, 2023:

Youqi Song: Jet substructure measurement in pp 200 GeV - link
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - femtoscopic correlation (on track merging issue) - link 

2024 HP meetings

 //_________________ HP-pwg Meeting agenda _________

12 Dec 2024

Zetong Li - Upsilon in isobar - link 
Aoke Zhang -  J/ψ Production in O-O Collisions - link
Subhadip pal - D^{0} and D* in p+p 510 GeV collisions - link
YutangJ/ψ with jet activity in pp collisions - link 

21st Nov 2024

Charles Joseph Naim -  r_c analysis and the impact of particle decay - link
Yang He - h+jet in Isobar - link
Subhadip Pal - D0 and D* analysis from the pp500 run17 data - link 

14th Nov 2024

Charles-Joseph Naïm - r_c analysis and the impact of particle decay - link
Ziyue Zhang - Dielectron J/ψ RpAu paper figure plotting update - link

7th Nov 2024


31st Oct 2024

Ziyue Zhang - GPC formation request for Dielectron J/psi RpAu analysis - link
Wei Zhang - Paper proposal for J/psi production in Au+Au collisions at 14.6, 17.3, 19.6 and 27 GeV analysis - link

Oct 22-23 STAR Collaboration HP-pwg sessions recordings

Passcode: T%7PQP.2


17th Oct 2024

Jace Taylor- Full jet reconstruction of gamma+jet and pi0+jet - link 

10th Oct 2024

Veronika Prozorova - HFE measurement at 54 GeV - link 
Michal Svoboda - inclusive full jet at 200 GeV AuAu - link 
Ondřej Lomicky - D^0 jet angularity - link 


Passcode: B@rjwE%9

3rd Oct 2024

Ziyue Zhang - J/psi paper proposal update - link
Sijie Zhang - O+O h+jet analysis - link 
Dandan- J/Psi energy corrector in Run11 p+p collisions - link
Austin Rosypal - Event shape engineering in AuAu 200 GeV - link

26th Sep 2024

Cancel due to HP2024 conference

19th Sep 2024

HP2024 discussion on remaining issues  to be discussed 
Brennan Schaefer - HP2024 update on J/psi vs multiplicity analysis - link 
Ziyue Zhang - J/psi paper proposal update - link
Sijie Zhang - O+O h+jet analysis - link 
Dandan- J/Psi energy corrector in Run11 p+p collisions - link


Passcode: FSR1h6M^


11.30 AM, Isaac's HP2024 rehearsal - link 

12th Sep 2024

Andrew Tamis - HP2024 Preliminary update on EEC - link
Sooraj Radhakrishnan - jet v1 smearing study - link 


Analysis Meeting Sep 9-11, 2024 (special for HP2024 presentations) link

5th Sep 2024
Diptanil Roy -  D^0+jet update in AuAu - link
Gabriel Dale-Gau - Baryon to Meson Ratios in Jets from Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV - link
Tanmay Pani - multifolding and angularities update - link
Brennan Schaefer - J/psi vs Multiplicity update - link 

Passcode: J*3QwHB+

3rd Sep 2024 (Special meeting on Tuesday) 


Sooraj Radhakrishnan - jet v1 AuAu update- link
Youqi Song - rc Observable - link

Passcode: Kk4^%bW8


29 Aug 2024

Wei Zhang- 17.3 GeV J/psi - link 
Youqi  Song- r_c in Isobar- link
Subhash Singha-  jet v1 in Isobar - link
Andrew -  three point Energy-Energy correlators - link
Sooraj Radhakrishnan - jet v1 in AuAu - link
Tanmay Pani - angularity measurements from inclusive and hard-core jets in p+p 200 GeV - link
Brennan Schaefer - J/psi with multiplicity in 2017 update - link 

Passcode: 95qL=vxg

22 August 2024

Gabriel Dale-Gau - Baryon to Meson Ratios in Jets from Au+Au and p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV - link
Youqi Song - Update on charge correlator ratio in isobar studies - link

Passcode: 1wl6jB4^


15 August 2024

Isaac - Event-shape engineering - link

Passcode: pJB.*?8z


08 August 2024

Wei Zhang- Measurements of charmonium production in heavy-ion collisions at STAR - link

Passcode: 676W*@=V

01 August 2024

Sooraj - jet v1 measurements  - link

Passcode: *Ah$d@4%


25 July 2024

Youqi - multifold embedding discussion - link

Passcode: c?ZCL0EX

18 July 2024

Trigger discussion - 
Brennan - J/psi with multiplicity in 2017 - link
Dandan - J/psi polarization in isobar - link

Passcode: be%GR&c7


11 July 2024

Dandan Shen - J/ψ polarization in Isobar data - link(analysis update)  link(paper proposal) 


Passcode: 5V&MaEim

20 Jun 2024
Andrew Tamis- EEC preliminary request - link 


Passcode: xYySv9#?

6 Jun 2024

Tong Liu - RAA and RCP paper proposal - link 
Brennan -    - link

Passcode: glk5iZ%7

23 May 2024

Tanmay Pani - angularities measurement - link
Ayanabha Das - pp 200 GeV Run15 QA - link 
Prinyanka Roy Chowdhury - D0-femtoscopy correlation update - link
Brennan Schaefer - Multiplicity-dependent J/psi update - link


Passcode: B=2+wC1@

16 May 2024

Youqi Song- First look at charge correlator in Isobar collisions - link 
Gabe Dale-Gau -combinatorial jets correction to the proton-to-pion ratio in jets - link
Charles Joseph Naim - r_c obervables - link 
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - D0-femtoscopy correlation update - link 
Ondrej Lomicky - General angularity of D^0+jet - link

Andrew and Ayanabha - Run24 QA update (if any) 

Passcode: ?v6Di&?Q

Passcode: YFP!2.b5

9 May 2024

Andrew Tamis - EEC update - link 
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - D0-femtoscopy correlation update - link

Andrew and Ayanabha - Run24 QA update (if any) 


Passcode: H=6nVD!5. 


2 May 2024

Sooraj Radhakrishnan - jet v1 AuAu 200 GeV Run14+16 - link
Ayanabha and Andrew - QA for Run24  (this week update)

Passcode: v3Mb$&h*

25 Apr 2024
Monika  Robotkova - Multi-dimensional measurement of parton shower in pp - link
Nihar Sahoo - Follow up of pp 200 GeV Run15 data QA 
Diptanil Roy - proposed paper plots for the D0-Jet analysis - link   and  webpage

Passcode: 3*@LE6y3

18 April 2024

Wei -  the asymmetry of nSigmaE/Pi in AuAu at 14.6 GeV - link 
Ayanabha and Andrew - QA for Run24 - link 
Ayanabha - pp 200 GeV Run15 QA - link

Passcode: p*UAt.m5

4 April 2024

Diptanil Roy- paper proposal update on D^0+jet link 

Passcode: bjx&6sc@

28 March 2024
Run 24 trigger discussion - Rongrong's slides: link. See also link and link. Also for reference, for forward triggers requested by ColdQCD: link
Ziyue Zhang - J/psi RpAu at 200 GeV - link
Isaac Mooney - pAu jet substructure paper proposal - link 
Gabe Dale-Gau - baryon-meson ratios in jets paper proposal - link

Passcode: *.t0*?tH

14 March 2024

Yan Wang - Psi(2S) in isobar - link
Ayanabha Das - offline QA plots for the run15 pp200 - link

Passcode: L=#.Mn65

06 March 2024

Ziyue Zhang - J/psi RpAu at 200 GeV - link

Passcode: ?3NG5bb1

22 Feb 2024

Priyanka Roy Chowdhury - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/C9L8eObYujbxMLu-TqlKy4o-3c8W63FViXUDIjhGYBbkOZJSLApdVASL23e0l0zK.d15590XwFYSX-1Q6
Passcode: +Zft$Rs6

25 Jan 2024

Charles-Joseph Naïm - rc 2017 - link
Gabe Dale-Gau - In-Jet Baryon-to-Meson Ratios from Au+Au and p+p collisions at 200 GeV - link
Roy Chowdhury Priyanka - D0 – hadron femtoscopic correlations in Au+Au 200 GeV - link
Ziyue Zhang - J/psi RpAu at 200 GeV- link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/vMC9HmOclW9p7oTeKpSrQo9deWvKQ6L8t3lC1t8aUtCKSqwvMbME6cNSZBtzaDo.fybRPSadbDlnYoMA
Passcode: #^4RoA4g 

11 Jan 2024

Tong Liu - the uncertainties of the p+Au spectrum measurement - link

Brennan Schefer  - update on J/psi measurement - link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/NVLhRsLyQehsBBfy1ivA6CXq-XkgxySLpExKD5ZfQuOXXfbseCRrw2qkhLaAZ3AS.ikI-JbbkokEvEJSW
Passcode: mlnPd6Q#

4 Jan 2024

Yan - psi(2s) in isobar 200 (Paper proposal PRL)- link

Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/5KHB1ukoUe8qOu7NhpGy4OVzR-raltcij1LG-yvF6WozPQzOiLVG93-IJKjKafov.vEBL4ru3GgAHDI0m 
Passcode: 2GEDWu?E

Baryon and Meson Ratios in Jets from Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV

 An update on my analysis to be presented at the HP-pwg meeting on Nov. 17, 2022

Baryon and Meson Ratios in Jets from Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV

 An update on my analysis to be presented at the HP-pwg meeting on Nov. 17, 2022