How-To Online DB Run Preparation
This page contains basic steps only, please see subpages for details on Run preparations!
I. The following paragraphs should be examined *before* the data taking starts:
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1. DB: make sure that databases at ports 3501, 3502 and 3503 are running happily. It is useful to check that onldb2.starp, onl10.starp and onl11.starp have replication on and running.
2. COLLECTORS AND RUNLOG DAEMON: onldb.starp contains "old" versions of metadata collectors and RunLogDB daemon. Collector daemons need to be recompiled and started before the "migration" step. One should verify with "caGet <subsystem>.list" command that all EPICS variables are being transmitted and received without problems. Make sure no channels produce "cannot be connected" or "timeout" or "cannot contact IOC" warnings. If they do, please contact Slow Controls expert *before* enabling such service. Also, please keep in mind that RunLogDB daemon will process runs only if all collectors are started and collect meaningful data.
3. FASTOFFLINE: To allow FastOffline processing, please enable cron record which runs script. Inspect that script and make sure that $minRun variable is pointing to some recently taken run or this script will consume extra resource from online db.
4. MONITORING: As soon as collector daemons are started, database monitoring scripts should be enabled. Please see crontabs under 'stardb' and 'staronl' accounts for details. It is recommended to verify that nfs-exported directory on dean is write-accessible.
Typical crontab for 'stardb' account would be like:
*/3 * * * * /home/stardb/ > /dev/null
*/3 * * * * /home/stardb/ > /dev/null
*/5 * * * * /home/stardb/ > /dev/null
*/5 * * * * /home/stardb/ > /dev/null
*/15 * * * * /home/stardb/ > /dev/null
*/2 * * * * /home/stardb/ > /dev/null
(don't forget to set email address to your own!)
Typical crontab for 'staronl' account would look like:
*/10 * * * * /home/staronl/ > /dev/null
*/10 * * * * /home/staronl/ > /dev/null
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1. MQ: make sure that qpid service is running. This service processes MQ requests for "new" collectors and various signals (like "physics on").
2. DB: make sure that mysql database server at port 3606 is running. This database stores data for mq-based collectors ("new").
3. SERVICE DAEMONS: make sure that mq2memcached (generic service), mq2memcached-rt (signals processing) and mq2db (storage) services are running.
4. COLLECTORS: grab configuration files from cvs, and start cdev2mq and ds2mq collectors. Same common sense rule applies: please check that CDEV and EPICS do serve data on those channels first. Also, collectors may be started at if onl11.starp is busy with something (unexpected IO stress tests, user analysis jobs, L0 monitoring scripts, etc).
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1. MIGRATION: check crontab for 'stardb' user. Mare sure that "old" and "new" collector daemons are really running, before moving further. Verify that migration macros experience no problems by trying some simple migration script. If it breaks saying that library is not found or something - find latest stable (old) version of STAR lib and set it to .cshrc config file. If tests succeed, enable cron jobs for all macros, and verify that logs contain meaningful output (no errors, warnings etc).
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1. PLOTS: Check dbPlots configuration, re-create it as a copy with incremented Run number if neccesary. Subsystem experts tend to check those plots often, so it is better to have dbPlots and mq collectors up and running a little earlier than the rest of services.
- Replication monitor aka Mon (replication should be on for all online servers);
- "old" collection daemon monitor (should be all green, some yellow possible);
- mq-based collectors, by checking "MQ Collectors" tab at Online Control Center (should be all green);
- check IOC monitor, to make sure that no EPICS channels are stuck.
- check physics on/off monitor after the fill, to make sure that CDEV transmits data correctly. If there is no data, then cdev2mq-rt service is not running. If data does not look realistic (shifted/offset timestamps) - please contact CAD, or at least let Jamie Dunlop know about it.
- check dbPlots to see that all collectors are really serving data and there are no delays.
3. RUNLOG - now RunLog browser should display recent runs.
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1. TRIGGER COUNTS check cront tab for root, it should have the following records:
40 5 * * * /root/online_db/cron/
0,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /root/online_db/sum_insTrgCnt >> /root/online_db/trgCnt.log
First script copies daqFileTag table from online db to local 'trigger' database. Second script calculates trigger counts for FileCatalog (Lidia). Please make sure that both migration and trigger counting work before you enable it in the crontab. There is no monitoring to enable for this service.
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1. ONLINE BACKUPS: make sure that mysql-zrm is taking backups from for all three ports. It should take raw backups daily and weekly, and logical backups once per month or so. It is generally recommended to periodically store weekly / monthly backups to HPSS, for long-term archival using /star/data07/dbbackup directory as temporary buffer space.
II. The following paragraphs should be examined *after* the data taking stops:
1. DB MERGE: Online databases from onldb.starp (all three ports) and onl11.starp (port 3606) should be merged into one. Make sure you keep mysql privilege tables from onldb.starp:3501. Do not overwrite it with 3502 or 3503 data. Add privileges allowing read-only access to mq_collector_<bla> tables from onl11.starp:3606 db.
2. DB ARCHIVE PART ONE: copy merged database to, and start it with incremented port number. Compress it with mysqlpack, if needed. Don't forget to add 'read-only' option to mysql config. It is generally recommended to put an extra copy to NAS archive, for fast restore if primary drive crashes.
3. DB ARCHIVE PART TWO: archive merged database, and split resulting .tgz file into chunks of ~4-5 GB each. Ship those chunks to HPSS for long-term archival using /star/data07/dbbackup as temporary(!) buffer storage space.
4. STOP MIGRATION macros at - there is no need to run that during summer shutdown period.
5. STOP trigger count calculations at for the reason above.
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