The agenda was as follow
  • Funding profile, path forward and possible scenari
    • Run plans and Au+Au focused run explained
  • Appraisals discussion, delays and perspectives
  • UEC role in issues at BNL, expected response from the user community
  • Challemnges for the S&C team - multiple milestones coming at the same time
    • Run VII readiness  - January 15th
    • SVT/SSD efforts     - January 1st and  1 month behind to date
    • R&D outcomes       - 1st week of January
  • Additional topics
    • SSD efforts, manpower planned
    • R&D and future run plan
  • OSG, SciDAC funds and SBIR news

Concerns and feedback
  • Gym floor broken - desire to have it back
  • Skype conferencing discussed
  • Lab environment degradation concerns
  • Tracking upgrade concerns - management, steering, outcomes