Windows XP EOL overview

Microsoft support for Windows XP will end on April 14, 2014.  Lab and DOE cybersecurity policy (as well as general best practice) prohibit the use of unsupported operating systems.  This page will serve as an overview on STAR's migration away from Windows XP; specific details per machine (or subsystem) will generally be kept in the associated RT tickets. 

9/25/2013 note:  I have acquired 5 used Dell desktop machines with Vista license keys as potential replacements for some of the machines listed below.  All have 4GB or more of RAM and single 160GB SATA disks.  From the list below, deneb2.starp and in particular are good candidates for replacement with these machines; possibly videopc as well if the video capture card can be put into one of them.  Others TBD.

XP systems in the SDAS enclave:

autueil.starp S&C Wayne Betts 2690 Replace with a Windows 7 machine currently named madison in 1006C
shift-leader.starp ops   2689 Dell says this model (Optiplex 745) has been successfully "Tested for Basic Windows 7 Functionality" and the Windows 7 upgrade advisor tool from MS indicates no significant problems. 

Nonetheless, the plan is to replace this system with a Dell Optiplex 990 (BNL barcode 151457) currently in 510/1-179 (Windows 7). 
tpcgas.starp and its backup machine TPC Jim Thomas 2626 Two new computers are online now as tpcgas1 and tpcgas2.  Peter Kravtsov completed one, the other needs additional configuration, for which Peter provided instructions, but they cannot be completed without swapping hardware, so backup machine is not "perfect" backup yet.)
chaplin-run09, astaire-run09, sirius-run09 TPC Jim Thomas   - Moving to Linux has been discussed numerous times and is still a possibility; the primary hold-up is the TPC Alarm Handler, which is currently a Windows application.  Without a replacement for it within Linux, the assumption has been that at least one Windows machine will need to be available, but in discussing with Alexei, it seems this TPC Alarm Handler is redundant with Slow Controls's STAR Alarm Handler, so may not be necessary after all.  (resolution TBD)
- One more note, discussing this with Alexei and Jim, we all generally seem to agree that they don't need 3 computers (that was a luxury afforded to them in the early days when the Control Room wasn't so crowded) - 2 would suffice.
- Nov. 21 update (WB): It turns out these computers were bought with Vista licenses.  Upgrading in place is a *painfully* lengthy process, but I am attempting it on astaire (with a fallback disk with the XP installation just in case).
- Nov 25 update (WB):  Alexei and Jim have definitively approved a Linux trial.  The astaire PC will have replacement disks installed and a fresh Linux installation (SL 6.4).  Testing of TPC usage is expected to be quick - once approved, will proceed with Linux installation on chaplin.  They request to keep sirius while they try to migrate the TPC alarm handler to Linux (seeking source code from Peter Kravtsov) - if successful, will eliminate sirius, otherwise will proceed with attempted upgrade to Vista.
- Jan 10 update (WB): astaire had Linux installed 3-4 weeks ago and TPC MEDM screens shown made to work nicely after some font adjustments.  Approval to proceed with chaplin (keeping the original disks on stand-by).  Also, the TPC alarm handler (currently "assigned" to sirius) was demonstrated to run fine using Wine on a Sc.Linux 6 machine, so that no longer seems to be a hold-up - simply compy over the Alarms folder, make some fairly obvious path adjustments and firewall openings and it works.

Final disposition:  chaplin and astaire have Sc.Linux installations on them.  sirius still has Windows XP, but is only on a small private network for use with the WAH video and TPC laser systems.
tofgas.starp TOF   2627 Was replaced during Peter Kravtsov's visit in December, 2013.
deneb2.starp general use on South Platform   2680 Replaced with one of the recovered Vista machines. 
Does not need much; does not play a direct role in STAR data-taking; just used during maintenance days as a terminal and web browser.
fmsled FMS Steve Trentalange   a laptop in the Wide Angle Hall - not sure if there is a compelling reason for it to be a laptop going forward, but if so desired, we have available a Sony VIAO with a Vista key (barcode 136278); in any case, it does not need much computing power.  FMS is not expected to be present in the 2014 run, so this is a relatively low priority.  Steve expressed a preference for Windows 7 over Windows Vista, but I doubt it will make any difference, other than possibly giving a longer potential lifetime to the replacement.
MP 11/22: The Sony VIAO machine has a Windows Vista installation on it. All necessary BNL configurations have been made.
1/10/2014 (WB): Unfortunately, the original fmsled laptop has a serious hardware problem and will not boot at all.  Hopefully the disk can be recovered, though that is complicated somewhat by having PGP WDE.

Final disposition:  System is removed from the WAH and the network.  Steve T. says there is nothing critival to recover from it.
hoosier BEMC Steve Trentalange/ Oleg Tsai 2770 WB: 10/15 - Win 7 upgrade advisor says ok for both 32-bit and 64-bit Win 7 installations.
JL: 11/22, assigned to MP
MP: A Dell precision desktop has been allocated for use to replace the old hoosier machine. The machine has been brought up to date and is ready for use. Steve needs to test an HV device on the old machine to ensure that it works. Once he gives the go ahead we will switch over to the new machine. The switch over will hopefully take place during the week of 1/13/14.
Mp: 1/27/14 - The replacement machine has been put in place. LabVIEW 2013 evaluation has been installed for the time being and Steve's VI worked on LabVIEW 2013 on the new Windows 7 machine. The new machine has been put in place, we now just need to get licenses for a legitimate version of LabVIEW and the machine should be finished.
MP: 4/17/14 - LabVIEW 2013 has been purchased and installed on the machine. The Windows XP Machine has been disconnect and is no longer in use.
emcsc / backup emcsc BEMC Steve Trentalange/ Oleg Tsai   WB: 10/17 - Win 7 upgrade advisor says it needs more RAM (currently only 512MB; 1GB min for 32-bit Win 7), and does not know about the compatibility of the National Instruments RS-485 adapter card.  Meanwhile, there is a newer computer (unfortunately also with Win XP) available that was configured 1-2 years ago as a backup for emcsc (including LabVIEW 6.1 and an RS-485 adapter) but it has been sitting unused since then.  Steve has suggested we try putting Windows 7 on the backup machine as a test, and if it works, put it into production.
WB: 1/10:  tested the old PCI 232/485 card in a Windows 7 machine, and was able to download drivers from National Instruments that allow the ports to be recognized, so this might not be a show stopper.  Also, found NI's LabView version compatibiltiy chart and it indicates that LabView 2013 should be able to open VI's saved in version 6.1, so this too is looking positive.  We need to get a version (possibly a trial version?) of the latest LabView to try this out.
Mp: 4/17/14: A Windows 7 machine was delegated for replacement of the emcsc machine. The trial version of LabVIEW 2013 was installed along with the old PCI 232/485 card. The problem was that the LabVIEW 6 code was too old to run on LabVIEW 2013. The .vi would not run properly. I had a LabVIEW technical rep come out to the lab multiple times in order to troubleshoot the issue and the conclusion was that the old code would need to be revamped in order to run under LabVIEW 2013. Fortunately, in order for the emcsc machine to operate, it does not need a network connection (only the NI COM card). The XP machine has been deregistered and disconnected from the network, and will continued to be used until time allows for the LabVIEW code to be updated.
videopc  ops  Alexei Lebedev   Have to evaluate the compatibility of the video capture card (and its software) with Windows Vista/7
WB: 1/10 - having looked into this, I thought it would be impossible, but Alexei informed me today that Andrei Brandin will be at BNL for the collaboration meeting in February, and he thinks he can make the current system work under Windows 7. But if not, we will move this machine to a small private network shared with the TPC Laser system control PCs.

Final disposition:  Andrei B. made no progess (or even any effort?) on his visit.  The system still has Windows XP, but is only on a private network now.
 pp2pp-slow  PP2PP     Originally overlooked because it is not on a "star" subnet (it is, and the PP2PP subsystem has been inactive for some time.  This is 9.5 year old Dell Pentium 4 system, so not likely a good candidate for Windows 7 or Vista, though it meets the minimum requirements.
MP 2/25: After speaking with Wlodek Guryn and Kin Yip, this machine will not be used for Run14. The machine has been removed from the Control Room by one of Wlodek's guys and will be worked on off of the network. A PP2PP machine will been needed for next year, a replacement machine will need to be purchased and setup down the road.

STAR XP systems outside of subnet 60 (starp/SDAS):

(if any)
JML.STAR.BNL.GOV Jeff Landgraf 510/1-184 2677 Have discussed with Jeff - a new PC was ordered (expected to arrive by end of November).
MP: The new PC has come and it all setup for BNL use. Jeff's profile has been setup.
Bugrhoff (DHCP client) Wayne Betts 510/1-179   old laptop - phased out in favor of newer one already in use
DBEAVISDT.STAR.BNL.GOV Dana Beavis 510/1-169   JL: 09/27 - Ambiguity on group
WB: computer has been moved to a C-AD building.  MAC reg., IP address and domain group are no longer associated with STAR

BCHRISTIE.STAR.BNL.GOV Bill Christie 510/1-180 2691 JL: 09/27 - Update OK in the coming months if possible, suggest 7 (need to check)
MP: 10/4 I ran the Win 7 Upgrade Advisor. The machines hardware and software is compatable with Win 7 (currently has Win XP 32-bit)
KEATON2.STAR.BNL.GOV Victor Perevoztchikov 510/1-165 2720 JL: 09/27 - Machine could be replaced by a Linux node (preferred)
JL: 11/22, assigned to MP (new node needs to be purchased)
MP: 12/5, A Dell Precision T3610 has been ordered. The machine supports RHEL and will be setup accordingly.
MP: 2/28, The machine has been replaced with the T3610 setup with Scientific Linux 6. The old machine will be retired.
MONROE2.STAR.BNL.GOV Lidia Didenko 510/1-173 2695 possible to upgrade to Vista? (a license key is on the case)
JL: 09/27 - Update OK, is Win 7 possible? Worried of CERT being messed up (saved in IE)
MP: 10/4 I ran the Win 7 Upgrade Advisor. The machine's hardware and software is compatable with Win 7 (currently has Win XP 64-bit)
MP: 11/20 The machine has been upgraded to Windows 7. Refer to ticket # 2695
BANCROFT.STAR.BNL.GOV nobody 1006C   WB: 10/18 - old machine has been pulled from service (it existed solely to operate an old SCSI scanner, which has also been retired)
CONFERENCE.STAR.BNL.GOV   1006C 2687 WB: 10/17 - Vista has been installed on a machine from the Equipment Pool, and the original conference PC has been shut down. 
GRANT.STAR.BNL.GOV John Hammond 901   This is a file server for the electronics support group.  It is largely up to John to move the shared content to a different server to retire this one.
JL: 11/22, assigned to MP
MP: 12/5, I spoke with John, he stated that he has a Windows 7 machine and will be moving the file server to that node himself. I will be in contact with him to record when the XP machine has been taken off the network.
MP: 2/28, I spoke with John this week, he stated that the GRANT machine is still on the network but he will be taking it off at the end of this month. He has a Windows 7 machine to replace the XP machine, just needs to do the switch over.
WB: 4/18/2014:  John was copying the final directories to the replacement today and expects to turn grant off on Monday, 4/21.
PADRAZO1.STAR.BNL.GOV John Hammond 901   WB: 10/17 - John purchased and installed Windows 7 for this system on a new disk and Athena T. will start using it.  The original disk has been put aside in case any files from Ken Asselta turn out to be needed.
PKUCZEWSKIDT.PHY.BNL.GOV Phil Kuczewski 901   MP: 2/25, I sent an email to Phil on 1/2/14 regarding his Windows XP Machines. I never recieved a reply.
PKLAPTOP1.STAR.BNL.GOV Phil Kuczewski 901   (laptop)
MP: 2/25, I sent an email to Phil on 1/2/14 regarding his Windows XP Machines. I never recieved a reply.
Alex Tkatchev

901   WB: 10/17 - This is about 4 years old and has a Windows Vista product sticker, but the current plan is to make a fresh Linux installation and let Alex Tkatchev use the system for trigger-related development work.  The original disk has been removed and a new one installed for the Linux installation.
PO-143966.STAR.BNL.GOV Alex Tkatchev 901   WB: 10/15 - This is about 4 years old and has a Win 7 product sticker on it. 
WB: 2/28/14: If a fresh Win 7 install is made, I suggest adding a second disk (if it doesn't already have two) and making a RAID 1 array if possible.

Others of possible concern:

STAR-UTILITIES.STAR.BNL.GOV (on a C-AD network)   STAR Control Room   runs software provided by C-AD.  Used for STAR WAH video camera system control and monitoring.  We should move the components related to the video system to a starp machine in any case - there's no reason to be crossing subnets and firewalls for this.  11/15/2013 (WB):  no longer required for use with STAR video system.
ROSAS.STAR.BNL.GOV (on a C-AD network)   STAR Control Room   runs software provided by C-AD.

The prohibition on unsupported operating systems is typically only enforced for computers connected to the campus-wide LAN, though variances are possible.  Stand-alone systems and those on local networks do not typically come under scrutiny (in part because they are hard to detect and in part because they pose much less overall risk).